How to Get a Marriage Certificate

Certified Marriage Certificate

Most of us think that we already know everything there is to know about getting married and what's involved. We know that we need to apply for a marriage license. How many of you already know, though, what comes next? How do you know for sure that your marriage is valid and legally recognized? More importantly, how do you prove it to others who might have questions?

This is where your marriage certificate comes in and it is important. Really really important.

NOTE #1: For the purposes of this page, we are going to be talking primarily about marriages that have taken place within the United States.

NOTE #2: If you intend to use your marriage certificate to change your name, you can use our online name change application.

What Is a Marriage Certificate?

A marriage certificate is the legal document that you are going to use when you need to prove that your marriage has been legally recognized by your state and, by extension, the federal government.

There are two types of marriage certificates: certified and not certified (informational).

Didn't I Already Get One of Those Before My Wedding?

Before you got married you had to fill out a marriage license. This is not, technically speaking, the same thing. It is true, though, that in some states it is the exact same document, but it cannot be used as proof of the marriage's validity until your officiant signs it and files it with your local records office (or whichever office is in charge of vital records where you live).

More simply: the marriage license is what you have to file so that you can get married. The marriage certificate is what proves the marriage actually (and legally) happened.

What About the Fancy Looking Certificate I Signed At My Wedding? Won't that Work?

The fancy looking certificate with the pretty fonts and the big spaces for you and your new spouse to sign is really only for the two of you. It won't hold up in court and you won't be able use it to do things like changing your name. For official purposes, you will need the legal (and, typically, more boring looking) marriage certificate.

Why Do I Need This?

There are all lots of reasons to have a certified copy of your marriage certificate on hand. For one thing, you will need the certified copy available when you start to take care of legal things like changing your name.

Of course, in some circumstances (like if you just need to do research, etc); Informational copies of your marriage certificate ought to work just fine.

What's the Difference Between an Informational and Certified Copy?

Typically the only difference between a certified copy and an informational copy of a marriage certificate is the seal that does or does not get applied to the paper on which the certificate is printed.

An informational copy is usually just a plain printed copy of the certificate. It does not contain a seal.

A certified copy will sometimes (depending on the issuing state) be printed on specific security paper. It will always have a raised seal applied to its pages. The seal might not be easy to see but you can definitely feel the bumps if you run your fingers over the paper.

Who Can Get a Certified Copy?

Not everyone is able to get a certified copy of a marriage certificate.

Almost the only people who are allowed to request certified copies of marriage certificates are the two people named on the certificate, spouses of the people married by the certificate (in the event that both parties on the document are no longer married), and immediate family members (parents, grandparents, children, siblings) of the people named on the certificate.

If you aren't one of these people, there are still options available to you. You can have one of the people named above give their written consent to have your request filled. You can also try to prove that you need the certified copy to prove that you need to protect personal or property rights.

If you don't meet any of these criteria, you can still request an informational copy of the certificate.

This varies from city to city and from state to state. Make sure you call ahead to get the right information for where you live.

Which Kind of Marriage Certificate Should I Get?

If you are able, it is definitely in your best interest to obtain a certified copy of the marriage certificate. For one thing, you will need your copy to be certified if you have to submit it for anything legally or governmentally-related (like legally changing your name, getting a new social security card, etc).

If you are just doing research, or aren't able to get a certified copy, an informational copy should be sufficient. In fact, informational copies can be sufficient for most purposes, so long as they aren't related to anything governmental.

How Do I Order My Marriage Certificate?

There are a few different ways that you can order a marriage certificate.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have all of the proper documentation ready to go. Each state will have different requirements. Some states will require you to fill out a request form to order the certificate. You will also need to present an official form of ID like a current Driver's License, state-issued ID card or Passport. Call ahead to make sure you know exactly what you need.

You should also make sure that you know exactly how much it is going to cost to have your certificate printed and certified. The cost isn't usually large, but it is better to know ahead of time so that you are not surprised. It is also in your best interest to make sure you have the proper type of payment ready. Some states accept debit cards and checks. Others do not. Make sure you know what your state needs from you!

Ordering In Person

The easiest way to get your marriage certificate is to visit your local records office or courthouse and make the request in person. The process should only takes a few minutes to have the certificate printed out and, if needed, certified.

Obviously that few minutes does not include time you might spend waiting in line. Even if you have to wait in line for a while, though, you'll have an easier time when you order your certificate this way.

Over the Phone

Most jurisdictions do not allow you to request a certified marriage certificate over the phone. There are a lot of reasons for this. The biggest reason is that you are going to need to provide certain documents and forms of identification to prove that you have a right to the information that you are trying to get. This is not something that can be done over the phone.

Some cities and states, however, might allow you to phone in a request for an informational copy of a marriage certificate.

By Fax

If your local town or state isn't going to allow you to request your marriage certificate over the phone, they might let you submit the request via fax.

There is usually an extra fee for obtaining a copy of your marriage certificate via faxed request. There are further fees if you want your request to be expedited. The fees can be pretty spendy. Make sure that you know what they are before you agree to them. It might be worth the monetary savings to just go in to the office and wait in line.

Over the Internet

You can also request certified copies of your marriage certificate online. Most states have paired up with independent organizations like Vital Chek, Background USA, and Vital Rec to offer this service.

Before you just jump over to, say, Vital Chek—make sure that this is the organization that is endorsed by your state. A quick search of your state's Department of Health or Department of Records website will tell you which organization the state prefers you use. Some states will even offer the service through their own websites.

Requesting certified copies of your marriage certificate online can be expensive. Many of the organizations that offer this service require you to pay with a major credit card. Some can charge upwards of forty dollars just to have the certificate printed. If you don't want to wait for a few weeks to receive your certified marriage certificate in the mail, you will have to pay an extra charge to expedite the process.

The fees vary from state to state. They vary from document to document. They vary from regular processing to expedited processing. Make sure that you do your research before placing your order.

If you live locally, it's a lot more time and cost effective to simply pay a visit to your local records office to get your certificate printed and certified.

If, however, you no longer live within the state in which you were married, these Internet services offer you a fantastic and reliable way to obtain the forms and certificates you need.

IMPORTANT: You can do more with these services than just ordering certified copies of your marriage certificate. You can also order certified copies of birth certificates, death certificates, divorce settlements, and other vital records. The cost for these things varies, so it might be a good idea to shop around for the best pricing if you have that option available to you.

What If I Need To Travel Overseas?

Believe it or not, there are some situations in which you are going to need to prove that your marriage is legal when you are traveling (or living) abroad. If you encounter (or think you will encounter) one of these situations, you might need to have your marriage certificate authenticated with an apostille.

An apostille is an authentication that a document is valid, legal and binding. It is recognized by every country that is participated in the Hauge Convention. Each state is going to have a different method of helping you get an apostille for your certified marriage certificate. You can usually find this information on your state's health or records website. It is often better, however, to actually call the office yourself. This way you can be sure that you actually have up to date information and aren't relying on a website that nobody has had the time to update for a while.

It might also be helpful to contact the US State Department of Authentications to make sure that you've got all of your ducks in a row.

What If I Got Married Overseas?

Almost exclusively, a city, county or state is only going to have marriage certificates on file for people who actually got married there. If, for example, you were married in Prague, you probably won't be able to obtain a copy of your marriage certificate from the records office for Eugene, Oregon.

So what are you supposed to do?

The best course of action you have when you need to be able to prove that you are legally married, is to contact the United States Embassy or Consulate office in the country that the marriage ceremony took place.

Here is where you can find a list of the different Consular Offices for the United States.

You can also visit the State Department's website to find out more about getting married overseas.

Hey! What If I Need to Prove that I'm Not Married?

We aren't sure why you would need this, but we understand that sometimes things happen. Identities get mixed up, etc.

While it isn't common in all states, some states actually do issue a Letter of No-Marriage. Often you will need extenuating circumstances to obtain this letter (like proving you aren't already married so that you can get married in a foreign country).

First, you are going to have to do a search for marriage certificates in your name. This is easier if you have a specific state in which to search, as marriage certificates aren't filed nationally; they are only filed with a specific state.

If no marriage certificate can be found you can request a notarized copy of the No-Marriage Letter from the state in which you ran your search. There is typically a specific form that you are going to need to fill out. You might also have to prove your identity before the letter will be issued. There may also be associated fees involved.

Remember: this varies from state to state so check with your local authorities as to how you can prove that you AREN'T (or WEREN'T) married.

It's easy to get intimidated by the process of getting married—especially in terms of taking care of all of the legal stuff that happens after the ceremony. This is why knowing how and why you should get a copy of your marriage certificate is important. Hopefully this has shown you that the process doesn't need to be a scary one. In fact, we're willing to bet that you'll find the process of getting (and using) your marriage certificate is going to be downright easy!

Our name change kit helps you change your name, either before or after marriage.

Start Your Name Change


  1. I got married in Las Vegas this summer. I live in NYC currently. At the time I didn't want to change my name and signed with my last name. Now I want a hyphenated last name with my husband.

    When I request the paper work for the social security name change is it enough that both our individual last names are listed on the form (but not combined) for a hyphenated name change request?

    • Hi Lirio. You're fine to change your name since you left the new name spot blank. Your hyphenated name can get derived from your and your spouse's name.

  2. Hi
    I was married 32 years ago in PA. I don't have a marriage certificate. We applied for a license at the courthouse and I have a marriage license with a raised seal signed by the celebrate who performed our ceremony. However PA has no marriage certificate on file. I guess the celebrant never submitted it to the state?

    The celebrant and my husband are both deceased. My SS and all my documents are in my married name. I need the certificate to prove I changed to my married name 32 years ago to get my the real ID and passport. They will not accept the marriage license, they need the certificate What can I do?


    • Hi Bee. You can contact the clerk of orphans' court where you received your marriage license about registering a delayed marriage license.

  3. Hi, I'm helping my friends with their wedding. C+S were civilly married in NY before COVID and now they will have a church ceremony in CA in a few months. The bride/wife chose to keep her maiden name on the civil marriage certificate but plans to take her married name after the church ceremony and legally change her name.

    Since they are already married civilly, they can't be issued another marriage license for CA which would typically list her maiden name and married name. Will the bride be able to use their civil marriage certificate that only has her maiden name for the new marriage certificate that the church will file with the county office? For this particular situation, what's needed for her name change? Thanks in advance for your input!

  4. My fiance and I are trying to get married but he just got out of prison earlier this year and lost all his forms of identification and due to the current covid pandemic the DMV has over a 3 month wait for an appointment and currently all he has is his letter of incarceration. Can that be used as proof of identity to get our marriage license? Where in Las Vegas, NV.

    • Hi Jonelle. In Nevada, government-issued ID is what's used. Since he doesn't have that, he can show a certified copy of his birth certificate along with another document that has his name and ID. If he can't provide that either, he'll have to contact the county clerk to make arrangements.

  5. How do I get my marriage certificate without my husband because right now I don't know where he is

    • Hi Nozipho. Contact the vital records office that maintains such records. You can make authentication, payment, and mailing arrangements with them directly.

  6. Hi I would like to know what the options are to get married in court as of this Month. Other than my fiance and I, do witnesses have to be there in person to sign?

    • Hi Mo. It depends on the state and courthouse. Without knowing more info, it's not possible to give further details.

  7. My fiance did only introduction but he's taking time to go and do the right because of womanizing and he's giving excuses, and we've been living together and do business together, can I get a marriage certificate for him to legalize my marriage with him.

    • Hi Joy. I don't understand what you're asking. Are you trying to get a marriage certificate without getting married? Are you trying to obtain a common-law marriage?

  8. Me and my fiance made an appointment at courthouse this week and i asked how can we get married after having marriage license. The woman on the phone said just google it. Its funny and annoying because i couldnt find it anywhere. Can we just get marry in the courthouse with witnesses its not gonna be a real ceremony anyway due to covid19 or whats the other options. Thank you.

  9. Hi! I've seen some comments asking about personally handing in the marriage papers after a ceremony and getting the certified copy of the marriage certificate that same day.

    We don't have military circumstances but we will need a certified copy of the certificate immediately after for the housing we're moving into.

    Do you know if this is an option in Texas, or should we have a court ceremony earlier to be on the safe side and make sure we can get our certificate in time?

    • Hi Eve. The county clerk has the authority to issue a certificate the same day, but that doesn't mean they'll allocate time to do so. You'll have to call in advance to determine if and when they're willing to do so.

    • Hi Candy. Registrars are able to search for records using approximations and different criteria (e.g., name, place of marriage).

  10. So I don’t want to have a wedding or ceremony and I just wanna get a marriage license to be a officially married how does that work

    • I want a marriage certificate to say I’m officially married without getting the license how does that work

      • Hi Alexus. Alabama is the only state that's combined the marriage license and certificate into one step. Unless you're looking to get common-law married, you'll have to get a license to get a certificate.

        At a minimum, you can under a civil ceremony in a courthouse that takes a few minutes. Some states even allow you to have a self-solemnized ceremony where you conduct your own ceremony. That entails you signing the license and sending it back for recording.

  11. Me and my wife got married at a place hour and half away.. was told we have to go back to where got married to pick up the certificate.. is this true?

    • Hi Jonathan. It may be true if you need the certificate immediately. If not, you can call them back to request it be mailed to you.

  12. We're living in Spain where I'm filing for my "residencia". Spain requires me to submit a marriage certificate dated not older than three months. We were married in California. How do we best go about that?
    Joe Heesbeen

    • Hi Joe. If your California marriage license was confidential, order a certified copy from the county recorder within the county where you applied for your marriage license. If it was a public license, order it from the county clerk's office where you applied.

  13. My husband and I got married in Hawaii last year. We registered and filed for the marriage license, and the marraige certificate at the Hilo clerks office in Hawaii County on Big Island. When I went to renew my Kansas State I.D. and tried to change to my married name, the DMV clerk would not accept my certified marriage certificate. The reason being that the address on it is not the same as my Kansas home address on my ID. The clerk said it has to do with the Real ID changes by 2020.

    When we went back to the Hilo court clerk to file the certificates we signed with the officiant, we asked that the marriage certificate be mailed to our temporary rental address in Hilo. But it ended up getting mailed home to Ks instead.
    So my question(s) are-
    Does the address on your marriage certificate really matter?
    If it does matter, what address should be listed on the certificate?
    If the address on the certificate does matter, how would I go about getting it corrected, and file for an amended certificate?
    I'm sorry for the long post,but I appreciate your knowledge on this subject matter! Thanks for listening!

    • Does the address on your marriage certificate really matter?

      Can the office provide this to you in writing? Would they accept documents or mail linking your identity, old address, and new address?

      how would I go about getting it corrected, and file for an amended certificate?

      Amendments are handled by the Hawaii vital records office.

  14. Hi , does original copies of documents like X memo and caste is needed.i have the scanned copy of those.can I produce scanned copies for marriage certificate enquiry.because I have the certificate at college.

    • does original copies of documents like X memo and caste is needed

      I'm not sure what you're referring to here. Please clarify.

      can I produce scanned copies for marriage certificate enquiry

      What's the purpose? Who would you need to submit this to?

  15. Me and my husband got married in 2013 at home by our minister, but we did not register our marriage at that time. Now he is refusing to go and register our marriage. We live together and have three kids. I have all pictures and DVDs of our marriage. I really want to register my marriage so that it becomes legal. What can i do. I live in new Jersey.

    • Hi Cordelia. Contact the local city or town registrar where your marriage ceremony occurred about registering a delayed marriage license.

    • Hi Sandra. If your marriage hasn't been recorded, it doesn't exist in the eyes of the state, or whichever jurisdiction you're in.

  16. I was recently asked by a friend to perform their wedding. They said they only wanted a 'Marriage Certificate' and not a 'Marriage License.'
    1. What is the difference?
    2. They said I, as the officiant, would obtain that. I've never done a wedding like this before. How do I go about getting a 'Marriage Certificate' for them?

    • Hi Josh. A marriage license allows a couple to marry. A marriage certificate proves a couple is married. The license is required. The certificate becomes available after the license has been returned for recording after the ceremony.

  17. Hi! I got divorced 2 yrs ago and i want to obtain my unmarried name back, the lawyer did not tell me that i can get my name back during the process of the divorce. Now the divorce is finalim still using my ex husband last name. What do i need to do to get my name back. Please i need your advice. Thank you!

    • Hi Yanie. You've got two layers to deal with: federal and state. If your divorce decree only states your married name and not your maiden name, the SSA could still change it because it has your maiden name on file. Since your divorce took place over two years ago, you'd have to provide an identity document in your married name (e.g., driver's license, passport).

      The problem you're likely to face is when you try to update your state-level driver's license. Federal is more flexible, but your state's DMV (or equivalent) is likely to want your restored name shown on your divorce decree.

      In this instance, you can try contacting the court to amend and reissue your divorce decree. There's no guarantee the court/judge would agree to this. The only other alternative is to get a court ordered name change.

  18. When putting in my last name when ordering (it says to put full name at marriage), am I putting my maiden name or my wedded name?

  19. I need a copy of marriage certificate for naturalization. There was a house fire and I lost it although I have the divorce papers. It was back in 1995 (I think) and it didn't last long. I have been through Vital records, the superior court, the recorders office in California and none of them can find it.

    The problem is I cant remember the exact date of the marriage and the exact county (like I said it didn't last long) anyway I don't know where else to turn to try and find it and I am not in California but in a different state. Any help is appreciated. Desperate. Thank you.

    • Hi Kim. You may have to resort to a paid vital records search service that allows you to perform multiple records searches by name.

  20. my husband and I were married 42 years ago at lake ariel wayne county, pa. I need a copy of marriage cert to comply with real id laws. I have contacted Wayne county and all surrounding counties but my cert cannot be found. Record were hand written in books at the time. It could be name was entered incorrectly. What are my options?

    • Hi Sandra. Try contacting the clerk of orphan's court about filing a lost or delayed registration of a marriage certificate.

  21. Can I personally turn in the marriage lisence papers after the ceremony or does the officiant have to? I’m in a rush due to military circumstances so if I filed the papers would I be able to get a certified copy of the marriage certificate the same day I turn them in?

    • Can I personally turn in the marriage lisence papers after the ceremony or does the officiant have to?

      It depends on the state.

      I’m in a rush due to military circumstances so if I filed the papers would I be able to get a certified copy of the marriage certificate the same day I turn them in?

      You usually can get it the same day. You'll want to make sure you go in well before closing time.

  22. My wife and I had a wedding in Phoenix Arizona 24 years ago. Our marriage license has witness's signatures. However, we did not turn in the marriage license to get marriage certificate because we did not know at the time.

    My wife could use the marriage license to change her last name. Now we need a marriage certificate, what should we do? We live in Washington state now.


    • Now we need a marriage certificate, what should we do?

      Contact the Arizona superior court that issued and recorded your marriage license about registering a delayed marriage certificate.

  23. I need to order a marriage certificate. I have been separated from the man for over 12 years and can’t remember the day we were married can I still request the certificate

    • can’t remember the day we were married can I still request the certificate

      The vital records department of whichever city, county, state can perform a search even if you don't remember the exact date. Check the CDC's vital records resource to determine which office to contact.

  24. Hi,
    I got married on January 19th in Ringwood NJ this year. My husband turned in the copy given to us of the marriage license shortly after the ceremony. He seemed like everything went smoothly and they gave us back an application for a certified copy. I filled this out about over a week ago following all the instructions. I believe my maiden name is on the paperwork.

    My second question would be how I’d go about changing my name to my husband’s last name? I still haven’t received back anything, my first question is whether or not I did things right?

    • My second question would be how I’d go about changing my name to my husband’s last name?

      Use your marriage certificate.

      I still haven’t received back anything, my first question is whether or not I did things right?

      You'll have to contact the local registrar to see if they mailed your certificate. You did pay for it, correct?

  25. I got married on 26 of February 2019 in Clayton County court I'm yet to receive my marriage certificate. Can I get a copy by walking in OR wait for the court to send it to my mail

  26. Hi
    I been married since 1985 in California, and now we reside in Arizona, I need a copy for our marriage certificate to add my husband to my health insurance. What is easiest way I can obtain one?

    • I need a copy for our marriage certificate to add my husband to my health insurance. What is easiest way I can obtain one?

      You can order a certified copy of your marriage certificate from 1) the county clerk that issued and recorded your marriage license or 2) the California vital records office.

      It's cheaper to get it directly from the county clerk's office.

  27. hi,
    me and mine got married while he was incarcerated, i have the certified marriage liscense with the seal from the courthouse but i never got a fancy certificate with our names on it. are we legally married or did i do something wrong? and if we are, how do i obtain a copy of the marriage certificate? i want to change my name before our baby is due in april and i want to make sure i have the proper paperwork and if we aren’t legally married, fix that before the baby. we live in indiana if thats of any importance. thank you so much!

    • Hi Emily. In Indiana, the marriage license contains a certificate with an original and duplicate copy. The original goes to you while the duplicate is returned to the circuit court to be recorded. You can order a certified copy of your recorded marriage certificate from the same circuit court that issued your license. I believe the fee is about $2.

  28. How do you get a marriage license in PA when your husband to be is the department of corrections? I have power of attorney over all of his dealings while he is incarcerated but I'm not sure I could sign for our marriage license since it involves me?

    Like a notary can't notarize anything that benefits them kind of thing. They say you have to get someone from the courthouse to go over but they don't have too, and they don't want too.

    They have a new video conference thing but it's almost 250 dollars and only ONE country in the state does it! Any help?

    • How do you get a marriage license in PA when your husband to be is the department of corrections?

      Here's the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections instructions for inmate marriages (PDF).

  29. My Fiance was previously married to woman (A) they separated and he was with woman (B) for short time. He had lost contact with woman A but knew at one point filed for divorce. (They lived in different states) eventually, woman B got online and found court documents that she thought were the granted divorce papers from woman A. (Neither of them are very legal word friendly per say) it turns out it was a petition for divorce, denied without prejudice.

    She thought the "Marriage had been denied" and she talked him into going down to the JP in North Carolina and getting married, without a copy of that document!

    Now, I know NC doesn't recognize a marriage while someone is already legally married. Such a marriage is considered null/void. My question is. We currently live is Pennsylvania, we do have a sealed legal copy of his divorce papers now, since he actually IS divorced now from Woman A. He and I would like to get married, do we need to get anything from NC stating the marriage to Woman B is void to present when getting our marriage license?

    • He and I would like to get married, do we need to get anything from NC stating the marriage to Woman B is void to present when getting our marriage license?

      In Pennsylvania, a certified copy of the divorce decree must be presented. You're talking about presenting proof of divorce from "Woman A" but ignoring "Woman B."

      The clerk of the orphan's court doesn't have the capacity to vet whether or not you're being completely forthright. That's not their job. If you say the presented decree is the last divorce, then they'll likely take your word for it. The problem with not being completely forthright is your marriage can be challenged as invalid by "Woman B" or anyone else who has standing.

      So, if you can show documentation that the marriage to "Woman B" is void, present it to be safe.

  30. I need to get a married certificate in Hawaii Oahu , for my cousin he lives in Texas. can I pick up 1 for him.

  31. I was married by church 39 yrs ago I never obtained my certificate now the county court of records can’t find my marriage certificate
    Now what, should the church have had that recorded

    • Hi Franes. Your church should have sent in your marriage license for recording. You can ask your church to research it. If it ultimately can't be found, you'll have to contact the office that's responsible for recording licenses for the procedure to record a marriage after-the-fact. It'll usually involves the submission of affidavits.

  32. I am trying to do a VitalCheck online to obtain my marriage certificate. It's asking for Partner A and Partner B's names. It also says, please write the name as it appears on the certificate. Does this mean I need to put my maiden name as my last name or my married name? Thanks!

    • Does this mean I need to put my maiden name as my last name or my married name?

      Regardless of whom you go through to obtain a certified copy of your certificate, you have to enter information in a way that could be found. That means entering the legal name you used when you applied for the marriage license, not any new name you intend to change to.

  33. Hello. My question is my husband and I Married over a year ago now, and I still haven't changed my id or anything else but I go by his last name for everything. Do i just go to my county court house to get my certified certificate to change my ID?

    • Do i just go to my county court house to get my certified certificate to change my ID?

      If the courthouse is who's responsible for issuing your certificate, then yes. It varies across states. For some, it's the county clerk's office. For others, it may be a circuit court or county recorder. In most cases, it's the same office that issued you your license. If you specify the state your marriage took place in, I can tell you who to contact.

  34. Hello Valera. First of all thank you so much for being so helpful to the many people who come to this website with questions.

    My question is about the process of getting my fiancee's last name changed. We live in Ohio, where we will get married in one month. We just went to the local probate court to get the marriage license, and that process has been completed.

    I understand that the marriage license is different from the marriage certificate (my understanding is that we receive this after the ceremony happens – signed by the officiant, ourselves, and witnesses).

    I'm wondering: how quickly and in what manner do we receive the certificate? I would like to proceed with the name change as quickly as possible since we will be traveling internationally at the end of the year and we would like for the passport to be updated with the name change. Is there no way to use the marriage license to request this name change in the state of OH? Or to request additional copies of our future marriage certificate to arrive ASAP?

    I am familiar with the process of requesting the name change on the passport, but I want to know how soon after our ceremony we can submit the paperwork because I am concerned there will not be enough time to get it submitted and returned. Additionally, we had to request a passport renewal for her a little under a year ago, and if we are able to submit the name change prior to a certain date in December, we would not have to pay a fee for the name change.

    Lastly, do you know if we should be requesting her social security card get updated with the name change prior to requesting a passport name change?

    Thanks in advance! We look forward to your advice.

    • I understand that the marriage license is different from the marriage certificate (my understanding is that we receive this after the ceremony happens – signed by the officiant, ourselves, and witnesses).

      Correct. In Ohio, it's often referred to as a certified marriage abstract.

      I'm wondering: how quickly and in what manner do we receive the certificate?

      You can get a certified copy in person or by mail. In person is faster, obviously. If you're doing it by mail, you'll typically have to provide a self-addressed and stamped envelope.

      Is there no way to use the marriage license to request this name change in the state of OH?


      Or to request additional copies of our future marriage certificate to arrive ASAP?

      You can contact the probate court to determine if they'll accept certificate orders in advance.

      I am familiar with the process of requesting the name change on the passport, but I want to know how soon after our ceremony we can submit the paperwork because I am concerned there will not be enough time to get it submitted and returned.

      You can submit your paperwork as soon as you have a certified copy of your marriage abstract/certificate in hand.

      Lastly, do you know if we should be requesting her social security card get updated with the name change prior to requesting a passport name change?

      It doesn't matter.

  35. Hi , i married 9 years ago now my husband wants to live with another woman so i want to file a divorce…but i dont have the marriage certificate, my husband has. I dnt remember the date and location of court marriage. What to do? How to get it online??

    • Hi Jennie. Contact the office that recorded your marriage license. It's typically the same office that issued it. If you're not sure which it is, reply back with your state and let's see if we can drill it down.

  36. Hello, My wife & I got our papers & married all in one day, I signed my maiden name on the license & certificate not knowing if I was supposed to put my new last name so but we got an abstract to change my last name we went & changed it at the SSO will the abstract help me change my last name on my license at the BMV here in Columbus, OH?

    • will the abstract help me change my last name on my license at the BMV here in Columbus, OH

      It has to be a certified copy of your marriage certificate or marriage license.

  37. i married a woman in colorado 16 yrs ago recently found out she is still married can i get the county to issue a void certificate

  38. HI,
    Currently I am living in USA and my wife is in India. I want to get the marriage certificate from Uttar Pradesh. So how can I get the marriage certificate without going to india.

  39. My husband and I lost our original marriage certificate in the process of moving. How can we get it replaced? We have certified copies but need an “original”.

    • How can we get it replaced?

      Contact the office that recorded your marriage licenses. In most states, it's the same office that issued the license to begin with.

      We have certified copies but need an "original".

      A certified copy has the same legal standing as the original. The office that records your marriage will archive the original.

  40. I’m got married in Texas but live in Kentucky. Will I be able to change my name in KY with a Texas certificate?

    • Will I be able to change my name in KY with a Texas certificate?

      Yes, your Texas marriage certificate will be accepted without a problem in Kentucky.

  41. Hi, I’m inquiring for my bride and groom. They want to get married in Arizona in August in front of a JP at the courthouse and also in Texas in December of the same year where most of the brides family is located. Would they have to apply for a Texas license and get married in Arizona? Or apply for one in Arizona and it be valid in Texas? Would they have to apply 2 times: once in Arizona and once in a Texas (for a remarriage)? Or what would be the proper procedure?

    Another slight problem we have is the groom is stationed Arizona and is in the Air Force and can’t get leave to do a courthouse here. I know there is an Absent Affidavit for those military who aren’t in a different country in times of war, but what would be the proper procedure here?

    Any help is appreciated!!

    • I’m inquiring for my bride and groom. They want to get married in Arizona in August in front of a JP at the courthouse and also in Texas in December of the same year where most of the brides family is located.

      That's possible, as Texas supports a vow renewal marriage license. The application is the same, it's just that the couple must answer "yes" to the question about whether or not they're currently married.

      Would they have to apply for a Texas license and get married in Arizona? Or apply for one in Arizona and it be valid in Texas?

      If they're getting married in Arizona, they'll have to apply in Arizona.

      Would they have to apply 2 times: once in Arizona and once in a Texas (for a remarriage)?

      Once in Arizona, then later in Texas.

      Or what would be the proper procedure?

      Apply in the state the marriage ceremony will be held. Arizona marriage licenses are only valid in Arizona. Texas marriage licenses are only valid in Texas.

      Another slight problem we have is the groom is stationed Arizona and is in the Air Force and can’t get leave to do a courthouse here. I know there is an Absent Affidavit for those military who aren’t in a different country in times of war, but what would be the proper procedure here?

      I'm not aware of any absentee applicant/application option for an Arizona marriage license. Some states do have this, but I don't believe Arizona does. You'll have to contact an Arizona Superior Court clerk to determine this for certain.

  42. Hi, I got married to a guy in NY at his home in the backyard with all Hindu rituals. The only witnesses present were his parents and his siblings. The pandit issued a marriage certificate where we (bride & groom) did not sign besides our names. The witnesses names and their signatures listed on the marriage certificate were not the actual witnesses present at the ceremony. The real witnesses were the guys family members who were present and none of their names were listed on the document. The marriage was not registered. The only proof of marriage is the pictures and videos. Is this a valid marriage?

    • Hi Kaur. Witness discrepancy comes into play if someone were to challenge the validity of your marriage. If your marriage was not registered/recorded by a city/town clerk, then it does not exist from New York's vantage point.

  43. Hi my marriage was 27april 2015 arranged marriage so I didn't apply marriage certificate can i apply now it's possible to get certificate or not? . And my state telangana where can I go and apply the certificate please response me..thanking you

    • Hi Ashokavitha. You'll have to go to the sub-registrar office to get that taken care of.

  44. Hi, I have a complicated question for you. I live in Los Angeles and got married a little over a year ago. I took my husband's last name on our marriage certificate. Just a few months ago, my husband decided to get a court ordered name change to shorten his last name. I understand that in order to take his new, shortened last name, I need to go to court, however is the new name on my marriage certificate legally binding? Am I going from my maiden name to his new shortened last name? or do i first need to change my name to the longer version which is on our marriage certificate and then again to the shortened one?

    • I understand that in order to take his new, shortened last name, I need to go to court,


      however is the new name on my marriage certificate legally binding?


      Am I going from my maiden name to his new shortened last name?

      You can, if you get a court order.

      or do i first need to change my name to the longer version which is on our marriage certificate and then again to the shortened one?

      No, you can ignore the marriage certificate.

  45. Hello! I’m from California, I got married almost exactly 3 weeks ago and we have the application to file for a marriage certificate copy at home still as I haven’t gotten to filling it out yet. Do we automatically get our original marriage certificate in the mail without sending that paper in or do I need to fill it out asap to get our marriage certificate? I’m a little confused on the whole “original marriage certificate” and “copy of your marriage certificate”. Not sure if I should be expecting one in the mail soon automatically or if I was supposed to send that copy application paperwork in order to receive our certificate. Thanks!

    • Do we automatically get our original marriage certificate in the mail without sending that paper in or do I need to fill it out asap to get our marriage certificate?

      You'll only automatically get a certified copy of your marriage certificate in the mail if you ordered one at the same time you submitted your marriage license application. Otherwise, you'll have to purchase it separately using the form you have.

      I’m a little confused on the whole “original marriage certificate” and “copy of your marriage certificate”.

      The original version remains with the county clerk's office that issued your marriage license and subsequently recorded your marriage onto a marriage certificate. Certified copies are derived from the original.

      Certified copies of an original marriage certificate hold the same legal weight as the original.

  46. Because of the new laws for getting a driver's license renewed in Indiana, I will have to show my birth certificate which has both of my given names. Also I have to show original marriage certificates. When I was married both times, since I had not been using my first name, only my middle name appears on the certificates.(along with my last name at the time). Will this interfere with my getting my license renewed?

    • Hi Ann. It shouldn't be a problem. If additional identity verification documents are request, it'll be specified for you.

  47. Hi there. My significant other and I are thinking of getting married in a courthouse so we can be "married on paper" before he enrolls in the military and completes a year of tech school. Then we are thinking of having an "official" wedding (with actual guests, an event. I'm not sure whether it will be a church ceremony, but yeah… with a pastor perhaps?) after that. Will we need to have the official wedding in the same state as being married in the courthouse or would we be allowed to marry somewhere else without having to get a marriage license again?

    • Will we need to have the official wedding in the same state as being married in the courthouse or would we be allowed to marry somewhere else without having to get a marriage license again?

      You can marry elsewhere and you won't have to get another marriage license. The subsequent ceremony should be considered informal and doesn't involve the state.

  48. I am in Hernando county Fla.I am disabled and widowed twice.Social security wants a marriage license to my 2nd husband because it has my married name to 1st husband & 2nd husbands name.Best way to get this ? Cost? Ty

  49. Me and my fiance want to get married in july his brother got ordained to marry us is that legal? Also when we file for the marriage licence will it also b for the marriage certificate or will his brother get that also would we put his last name on mine if i want to change my last name im in the state of maine

    • Me and my fiance want to get married in july his brother got ordained to marry us is that legal?


      Also when we file for the marriage licence will it also b for the marriage certificate

      You'll be issued a "license and certificate of marriage" but it's not the same as the marriage certificate. The eventual certificate, which is what you'll use to change your name after marriage, won't be available until your marriage has occurred and license has been returned for recording.

      or will his brother get that also

      He'll be responsible for filling out the ceremony portion of the license and certificate and returning it for recording.

      would we put his last name on mine if i want to change my last name im in the state of maine

      I'm not sure what you're asking here. The application doesn't ask you to specify new last names, which doesn't prevent you from changing your last name. If you're referring to something else, please clarify.

  50. Hi my name is whitney my question is : i got married 5 years ago and immediately afterwards i went to the dmv and changed my name on my drivers license but i never went to change my social security card. Then my marriage license and old ssc and birth certificate burned in a fire. So to get my ssc changed to my married name ill need my marriage license right?

    So do i go to record office get a new birth certificate and marriage license then go to ssoffice and change my name? Im just wondering what im suppose to get first bc right now all i have is a drivers license that has my married name. Which step do i take first in order to obtain my birth certificate marriage license and ssc with married name… Lol sorry if im confusing

    • Hi Whitney. You can get a certified copy of your marriage certificate from the office that recorded your marriage license. Birth certificate copies are available at the office that recorded it. Some states provide copies at a state-level registrar/vital records office.

  51. Hello. I am newly wed to a Japanese man. It is after a month that we were married but he became evil after can I stop the process of marriage certificate even I am married for one month?

    • Hi Lyn. Stopping the marriage certificate wouldn't end the marriage. You'd need to seek either an annulment or divorce.

  52. Hello Valera,
    My husband and I were married 47 years ago. My current employer signed up with an audit agency to make sure everyone working had legitimate reasons to have a spouse or child on our insurance. They are asking for a Certificate of Marriage as one of these. I did call the county where we were married but there is not a marriage certificate on file, just all of the paperwork to get one. The County Clerk emailed those documents to me. Can I still get a Certificate of Marriage after this long?

    • Hi Sheri. Some states have a state-level vital records division that may have a copy of your certificate. You may want to try contacting them.

      Some states have procedures in place to reestablish a marriage record via affidavit. That's typically handled by the county clerk's office.

      If the only document you can supply is a marriage application or marriage license, that may be sufficient for the audit agency. You may have to supplement it with an affidavit attesting to the fact of your marriage.

  53. Hi Valerie
    I read thru most of the q&a looking for my specific situation… I didn't see it so I'll need to ask.
    I'm working on my DAR registery and needed a copy of my parents marriage certificate. The woman helping me thru this process had told me that my parents marriage certificate requires a court order. They were married in Long Beach CA in 1982 I believe. My dad drowned in June 1983. My mom just passed November 23 2017. She did not have a copy that I could find in her records…. Why would my parent's marriage certificate require a court order to obtain?
    Thank you kindly

    • Why would my parent's marriage certificate require a court order to obtain?

      Because they obtained a confidential marriage license instead of a regular marriage license. This is exclusive to California.

    • Hi Felis. Contact the office that recorded your marriage license. It's often the same office that issued the license, but in some jurisdictions it can be split between different offices.

      If you specify the city, county, and state the marriage took place in, I can tell you which office distributes marriage certificate copies.

  54. Hi I got married 3 years ago but my husband and I never picked up our marriage certificate, does that mean we aren’t married ?

    • Hi Shawntel. You are married as long as your marriage has been recorded by the city/county/state (jurisdiction varies by state). Whether or not you personally have a copy of the marriage certificate doesn't impact this fact.

  55. Hello, Valera. Our officiant accidentally put the date wrong on the marriage certificate. For instance, we picked up the marriage certificate on the 12th but our officiant put down 10th on the paper. Would that be okay?

    • Hi Jenna. You can have the certificate corrected by the office that recorded it. The procedure varies from state to state, but it often requires you to submit an affidavit. The correction often comes in the form of an addendum, which leaves the original record untouched. Your officiant may also be able to submit a correction.

  56. Hi I changed states, my father in law is gonna go get my marriage certificate, what documents does he need me to provide him so he can pick it up for us.

    • Hi Alberto. You'll have to contact the office to determine what requirements and identifications are required for a relative or third-party to pick up your certificate on your behalf.

  57. Hi, i am Jaydip from Anand, Gujarat India. I got married dec 2016,
    Now i want to register my marriage and want marriage certificate,then what should I do…

  58. I am trying to get a copy of my divorce papers (I have remarried) they clerk of the court could not find it and said to contact the state of florida department of health office of vital statistics. Is it possible that I was never divorced? Wouldn't something have shown that I was never divorced when we applied for our marriage license?

    • Is it possible that I was never divorced?

      If there's no court record of your divorce decreed dissolved, then you're still married.

      Perhaps your court record was misfiled? If you have any court papers, it should contain your case number which could help to track down your record.

      Wouldn't something have shown that I was never divorced when we applied for our marriage license?

      Not unless the circuit court clerk asked for proof of divorce. Some ask for it, some don't. Some only ask if the divorce took place within 30 days of submitting the application.

  59. I am wondering. The guy I was with his friend made us a marriage certificate but the guy and I didn’t get married. So what do I do?

    • The guy I was with his friend made us a marriage certificate but the guy and I didn’t get married.

      Such a certificate has no legal value.

  60. I want to marry my fiancé this next week at the courthouse can we apply for the license and get married the same day.

    • Hi Erica. It depends on the courthouse. Some require appointments. Some only perform marriages during certain hours on certain days. You'll have to call ahead.

  61. Hi Valera,

    We are planning to get married in San Francisco by next month Feb, and we currently in delaware. can i make an online reservation for marriage license ? i did go through it and saw that they do have it with form, my question is, after filling up the form there no instruction where to send it, but we can make a reservation of date for our marriage license. i am super confused about this. shall we just bring the documents on the date of our reservation or whats next? please do guide me if you have any idea for this. thank you!

  62. Hi, what if i married in one state and getting married in another state, does they know that i have already married ? and will they able to see my previous marriage records when applying new licence and certificate in another state ???

    • what if i married in one state and getting married in another state, does they know that i have already married ?

      No. Unless you're renewing vows, getting married while already married is illegal in every U.S. state.

  63. Hi. I was wondering who knows about a marriage. As in the government offices, if I don't change my name… Is it reported automatically or not until I change my name?

    • Hi Lucio. If a new name is specified on your marriage license/certificate and you don't actually change it, there is no consequence.

      Whoever records/registers your marriage license will not report you, couldn't even if they wanted to, and is not within the purview of their duties. After they record and index your marriage record, their job is done.

  64. Hello, husband and I got married last month and we’re given a customer copy of the marriage license/certificate that we filled out before the ceremony. It has the notary seal on it. Will this work for my surname change or do I need to wait to receive the certified certificate in the mail?

  65. I don't remember if I signed my marriage certificate with my married or maiden name. I ordered a certified copy and when it arrived it doesn't contain signatures just our original names. Can i get a new SS card and drivers license in either my maiden or married name (or both)?

    • Hi Renee. Not all states provide an opportunity for you to specify a new name on the application which would be mirrored on the license and certificate. If you're in one of those states, you can use your certified copy to change your name without a problem. If you're in a state that does provide that option (e.g., California, New York) it's important that you specified your new name choice when you applied.

  66. Me and my fiancé are getting married in Nevada. He's in the military and needs to show proof of marriage as soon as possible. Will we be getting some type of marriage certificate the day of the ceremony? It will be at a chapel.

    • Hi Samantha. Whoever officiates your marriage ceremony must return your marriage license for recording within 10 days after the ceremony. You can't get a certified copy of your marriage certificate until it's been recorded and indexed by the county clerk who issued the license.

  67. Hi, my husband and I were married in Tennessee 4 years ago and the pastor gave us papers to be filed at the courthouse in NC where we live. However, we failed to do so. What do we need to do to register our marriage in NC?

  68. Hello there,
    I eloped in the country of Gibraltar earlier this year, but we both live in the state of Georgia(US). We have received our sealed and certified marriage certificate from Gibraltar. Are we required to submit that certificate in the county in which we reside in order for the marriage to be considered official in the US?

    • Are we required to submit that certificate in the county in which we reside in order for the marriage to be considered official in the US?

      No, you don't have to register your foreign marriage in Georgia.

  69. Hi I am getting married next week, and me and my wife to be are both wanting to change out last names to something else. So, my question is. When we fill out for the liscense we put our original names and when we sign we sign with our new last names right? We live in South Carolina and are getting married in Vegas, and have gotten a lot of mixed information.

  70. Hi Val,

    So I’m getting married to a Soldier December 26th. What we were wondering is if we would be able to get the certificate expedited somehow so we can update all of his army information th next day.

    Is There a way we can take the certificate to the courthouse ourselves or take my officiate to the courthouse with us to get it done faster? I live in PA if that makes a difference.

    • Hi Sara. You'll have to contact the marriage license office, which will either be the clerk of orphan's court or register of wills, to determine if you'll be allowed to physically hand in the license instead of your officiant and if immediate certification can be done.

  71. Hi,
    I got married in NY a month ago and we never sent in the marriage license. If we dont send it in are we still legally married?

    • Hi Kimberly. If your marriage license has not been sent in, then the state has no record of the marriage's legal existence.

  72. Hello, I got married October 21st in Virginia and mailed in my license that Monday and paid for 1 day shipping so it got there Tuesday (10/24). When should I get my copy back? Also the minister forgot to put the county that we got married in on the license, will that be a problem?

    • Hi Jasmine. You'll have to contact the circuit court clerk to determine if it was received and how to get your record amended.

  73. Hello,I am a refugee i got married out side canada and separated out side canada and I did not accompany her to come Canada can I get marriage license

    • Hi Hatizgi. Are you asking if you can get a copy of your marriage certificate from Canada? If so, you'll want to contact the vital statistics agency in the province where you marriage was registered. If that's not what you're asking, please clarify.

  74. Hello I got married a year ago through church , I obtained my marriage license and the priest said he would sent it out to the state and that I didn’t need to also do the court ceremony. I only received the certificate by the church. What should I do ? Thank you

    • Hi Valerie. You'll need to contact the office that recorded the returned certificate of marriage and request a certified copy of your marriage certificate.

    • I would like to change my home address on my marriage license,is that possible?

      Not unless the change it's correcting is a typographic error. Recorded marriage records are considered historical documents and aren't subject to change without good cause. And even if you were able to change it, it would likely just be an attachment to the original document.

  75. Mi matrimonio no se registro pero el acta de defuncion de mi esposa nombre que soy el esposo. Como pudiere tener una evidencia o prueba si se me extravio el certificado de matrimonio y nunca pude registrarlo qe pudiera hacer legalmente disculpe?

    • Hi Joshue. States and countries have procedures for declaring a marriage's existence if it was never registered or recorded. You'll have to contact the office that issued the marriage license to get the procedure.

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