Maiden Name to Middle Name Change

Cubist painting of confused woman with big eyes

Did you know you could make your maiden name your middle name after marriage using your marriage certificate, while still taking your spouse's last name as your new last name?

This offers a savvy two-for-one compromise:

  • You honor your spouse.
  • You honor yourself and your family history.

We shall unpack the pros, cons, and gotchas a maiden to middle name change entails, with an added discussion of a hyphenated middle name or two middle names.

Why holding onto your maiden name matters?

For those unaware, your maiden name is your last name at birth. For men, your maiden name is your birth surname too, although the term "maiden" traditionally applies to women.

Many people choose to adopt a new last name after getting married. Yet losing your old name may feel like a tremendous loss, met with grief and uncertainty.

Statute of bride shattering in slow motion in impressionist garden
Giving up one's maiden name can feel like a shattering loss.

A loss of self with far-reaching tentacles:

  • A loss for yourself.
  • A loss for your brothers and sisters.
  • A loss for your parents and family lineage.

How might your siblings react when it falls upon them to decide whether to keep the family name going? The harshest choice and burden left to the last unmarried child.

If you are an only child, you might worry how your parents will feel when your last name is gone. (Who will they expect to carry on the family name now?)

Sullen bride flanked by her morose mother and father
Traditions aside, might your parents gloom over your name change.

There is an oft overlooked fix to this problem…

Making your maiden name your middle name is a great way to keep it in your life while still following marriage conventions, as far as changing your name goes.

Note: You can use our online name change kit to complete a maiden to middle name change, along with changing your last name after marriage.

How to change your middle name after marriage?

You can use a certified copy of your marriage certificate to replace your middle name with your maiden name or add your maiden name as a second middle name.

For example, if Dana Blair Smith married Cameron Williams, a maiden name to middle name change would be Dana Smith Williams or Dana Blair Smith Williams.

Of course, you can change your last name at the same time.

(An important interjection: Caveats and gray areas exist for changing your middle name, covered in the next section. In the meantime, let us continue…)

When you apply for a marriage license, write in your new middle name if the application offers a spot to do so. If the form did not ask, your marriage certificate will exclude your new name.

Collection of green and black embossed pens laid out on a teal surface
Write your new middle name on the marriage license application if prompted.

Such an omission is not a problem, since you can derive your new name from your and your spouse's current and birth names, as shown on your marriage certificate.

This is how social security name change works; they verify the new name combination you write on their form against internal records and the names on your marriage certificate.

It is a reconstruction of disparate name groups:

  • Your birth and current name
  • Your spouse's birth and current name

Caveats, gray areas, and gotchas

Discussion of name change sometimes involves (or devolves into) happy talk. Claims that you can do something, while reality paints a different picture.

Maiden to middle name change has two such problems:

  1. Three U.S. states do not allow them.
  2. Pursuing two middle names is stepping into uncertainty.

1. A few states make middle name change difficult

Only three U.S. states do not allow you to replace your middle name with your maiden name through marriage, using your marriage certificate: New Jersey, Ohio, and Washington State.

Those three states require you to petition the court to alter your middle name. Once you get the legal name change court order, it will serve as proof of your name change.

Commanding female judge sitting in her courtroom throne
A judge must grant your middle name change in NJ, OH, and WA.

A court-petitioned name change takes more time, effort, and expense compared to a marriage name change. In these cases, hyphenation may be a convenient substitute.

2. Procedural hurdles of two middle names

A few states, such as California, Nevada, and North Dakota, have statutes that allow combining your middle and maiden name after marriage, separated by a space or hyphen.

Yet most states neither approve nor disapprove of two middle names. Success may hinge on how picky the government agent is that handles your paperwork.

Forsaken staring into the desolate void
Dare you stare into the void of chasing two middle names.

Success and failure are often anecdotal. You take a risk unless you know for sure two middle names (using your marriage certificate) will work.

It is far more reliable to pursue a straight up replacement of your middle name with your maiden name. (Excluding the three outlier states cited in the prior section.)

With that being said…

Switching your maiden name to your middle name may garner useful, long-term benefits beyond its sentimental value.

Starting with…

Using your new middle name as your first name

You could informally use your maiden name as your first name upon replacing your middle name, while maintaining the veneer of legality. (It is part of your legal name, after all.)

Abstract neo-cubism painting of colorful female faces
One woman, many names, many personas.

For instance, imagine your maiden name were Avery. You could tell folks, "Call me Avery," leaving them guessing if it was your first, middle, or last name.

This works best for surnames that can be mistaken for first names. To illustrate, Kim or Carey works, but not Lopez or King.

Here you have a flexible way to use your middle name as your first name without undergoing a legal name change by court order. (Such usage is informal, though.)

While using your middle name as your first name is okay around friends, coworkers, etc, you must still use your real, legal name for official purposes, such as filing taxes.

Confirming your identity fast (old and new)

What happens when you come across unexpected identity challenges at non-government institutions and need a quick way to prove that you have changed your name?

Should you whip out your marriage certificate?

  1. That would work.
  2. But it is too big of a hassle.

Yet having your maiden name as your middle makes it easy to attest you are the same person who just added a name. Further, it shows you have married.

Woman standing inside a hall of mirrors
Are you the same person? A maiden-middle name helps prove it.

Is this documentary proof? No, but many organizations will accept your reasonable explanation without pushback.

If you plan to keep using your maiden name for professional reasons, moving it to your middle name serves as a more credible form of "usage" or alias.

If you were born without a middle name, you have a great opportunity to fill that void by inserting your maiden name. This may help you to decide in favor of the shift.

Satisfying your relatives (and yourself)

Your parents and relatives might begrudge you for dropping your birth name. Abandoning your legacy. Pride in family and heritage can run deep.

Unhappy family sitting at the dinner table
Uh, oh! Family does not look happy about your name change.

If your family name is famous, prestigious, or admired, making your maiden name into your middle name is a potent way to honor your past, spouse, and future life together.

It shows that you have not forgotten where you came from.

Keeping your ancestry as part of your name is a wonderful gesture and sure to prevent rifts that might develop over adopting a brand new last name.

Happy family sitting on a red couch
Change your name in a way that keeps everyone satisfied.

The decision to change your name is yours alone. But clinching a win-win solution that keeps you, your spouse, your family, and your troublesome in-laws happy is astute and admirable.

And women are not the only ones facing the name change question. Some states allow men to take their wife's name via marriage; even pursue a birth name to middle name switch.

Can you have two middle names?

Caution: This section assumes you have reviewed the caveats of adding your maiden name as a second middle name; if so, please proceed.

Three out of four people have a middle name. Many of whom use it regularly. You face a dilemma upon changing your middle name:

  1. Do you outright replace your middle name?
  2. Do you use your maiden name as a second middle name?

The answer depends on what you think of keeping your current middle name and having two middle names after marriage.

Woman looks up in wonder at mysterious, glowing light above her hands
Pursuing two middle names: ingenious idea or fanciful?

You will need to correct people who get confused by your dual (or dueling) middle names, while considering the repercussions of using one or two middle initials.

The clueless might wonder:

  1. Where does your first name end?
  2. And where does your last name begin?

For example, if Riley Lou Watts married Dakota Finley, a maiden to middle name change with two middle names would be Riley Lou Watts Finley, or Riley Lou-Watts Finley if hyphenating.

Such a complex name spells trouble to the uninformed.

Possessing a full name with four parts and no hyphens makes it hard to determine if the person has two first names, two middle names, or two last names.

Hyphenating your middle names might mitigate such confusing interactions.

Woman pointing her finger at a man in irritation
Expect people to have trouble understanding two middle names.

Just remember, two middle names may prove clumsy and limiting, especially with forms that only have space for one middle name or middle initial.

Usually easier than hyphenation

Ousting your middle name for your maiden name may be simpler to manage than hyphenating your name. It keeps your identity obvious and segmented at a glance.

Using your maiden name as a bridge makes it easier to establish your connection to people on both sides of your family. This aids in childcare, such as flying with children.

Before considering a hyphenated name, assess how well it complements your partner's name. Do two names sound harmonious or disjointed?

Woman wearing headphones, eyes closed, with a sonic spiral light pattern
Will a hyphenated name sound awkward and choppy?

Sound out your name and ask yourself:

  1. Does it flow, or is it an aural catastrophe?
  2. Can you live with that noise sound?

The maiden name to middle name path may edge out a jumbled, overlong hyphenated surname. Plus, it means your last name will not be such a mouthful.

Helps ease you through the transition

Changing your name can be a form of paralysis analysis; weighing pros and cons among name sequences and combinations, only to arrive at a still uncertain decision.

A vicious circle of dissatisfying ruminations:

  • I should have waited.
  • I should have hyphenated.
  • I should have kept my maiden name.
  • I should have used spaces instead of hyphens.
  • I should have replaced my middle name with my maiden.

There is no best or superior path.

Yet choosing to switch out your middle name with your maiden name may lead to the least doubt, regret, and resistance. It is a good choice, on balance.

Bride in wedding veil sitting in meditation
Choose well and make peace with your name change.

It keeps your first, middle, and last name clean and compartmentalized: no hyphens, spaces, or disarray. Take your spouse's surname, while reusing your maiden name.

You invite turmoil by picking the wrong name in haste. You should settle on your complete name at the outset instead of backtracking and reversing your name change.

Cloaked woman, regretful, head in her hands, in a dark room
Avoid regret: get your preferred name right from the start.

It is not always about keeping your spouse, relatives, and in-laws satisfied. You should inhabit your new name when updating your professional documents and ID cards.

Woman hugging giant stuffed animal, who hugs her back
You cling to the familiar as the familiar clings to you.

The prospect of name change may appear less daunting if you keep your maiden name visible, since you are not wholesale abandoning what you have known your entire life.

Changing your name should be an act of triumph and celebration. Not of doubt and anguish. Keeping your maiden name active can help make that a reality.

Woman in a yellow cape and glowing suit
With a full heart, proclaim your name changed with certainty.

You get to embrace your new name while keeping the old. This is like having your cake and eating it, too. Sometimes the simplest choice is the best pick.

Accepting your new middle name

If you have a middle name, you may either replace it or feel like one of those people by listing more than one middle name whenever you give your full name.

  1. Two middle names do not make you a bourgeois so-and-so.
  2. Choose whichever name makes you happy.
  3. Ignore the naysayers.

Getting used to having a new middle name is also a process, as you will need to update multiple documents. (Get busy practicing your new signature straightaway.)

Stressed woman sitting at her cluttered desk with piles of paperwork
Update every legal document to show your new middle name.

Everything from your social security card, driver's license, REAL ID, to passport should match your new middle name. You do not want your legal documents drifting out of sync.

Finding the right balance

Changing your maiden name to your middle name is becoming ever more popular as people try to find a balance between tradition and more practical, modern alternatives.

Whether you lean towards hyphenating, creating a new last name, or keeping your maiden name, consider your middle name as a swappable placeholder.

Whatever change fits right for you, our online name change kit can help you change your name across your identity documents. Best of luck to you.

Our name change kit helps you change your name, either before or after marriage.

Start Your Name Change


  1. Hi! I just came from the DMV. I was hoping to get Real ID. I took my maiden name as my middle name just like my grandmother and mother did. I was denied because my current middle name and my middle name don't match.

    • Hi Gretchen. I'm not sure what you're saying when you state "current middle name and my middle name don't match." Are you saying the middle name on your marriage certificate is different than your middle name at birth?

  2. Hi! I got married in Sept 2023 in Illinois. I don't have a middle name, and would like to make my maiden name my middle name. Ex: firstname maidenname newlastname.

    I know SSA won't have an issue with this when getting my new SS card, but will the DMV give me a hard time when getting my new Real ID (already have one) with my maiden name as middle name? Since my birth certificate shows that I don't have a middle name? What about when getting my passport (old one expired in 2019)? I appreciate the help!

  3. I live in SC and planning on a second marriage soon (this weekend), so when I went to apply for a marriage license I had to list my birth middle name.

    When I was first married I changed first name, maiden name, and ex husband name on all documents. (SS, DMV and so on) the timeline of all of this was 1986.

    I'm not planning on changing my name with the second marriage.

    The problem comes when the probate clerk says I have to list my birth middle name instead of my maiden name from first marriage which again was changed through proper paperwork years ago.

    This seems so wrong to sign as first name, birth middle name, and ex last name.

    I have never used this name, never will, and it just seems so wrong.
    I was told it's just their paper trail to be able to follow me if something happens.

    Before I mess up a lifetime of legal titles, documents, and history can you help me understand what's right and what's wrong?

    Thank you and again I'm in South Carolina.

    • Hi D. Bottom line, when you apply for a South Carolina marriage license, you must put your current middle name on the application.

  4. Hi, I’m a MA resident and will be getting married in October. I plan on taking my husbands last name, and using my maiden name as my middle name as I do not have one. However, my first name was spelt wrong at birth in CA. I plan on changing my first name through court. However, I’m not sure if I should do it before or after I get married?

    We are taking a honeymoon and have two international trips up until June of 2024. My passport doesn’t expire until October 2024 so I don’t plan on changing my SS and passport until after June to avoid interfering with my travels.

    • I plan on changing my first name through court. However, I’m not sure if I should do it before or after I get married?

      If you want your first name shown on your marriage certificate, you need to complete your court ordered name change with updated ID before applying for your marriage license.

      The alternative is to change your first, middle, and last name once through court, instead of going through back-to-back name changes.

  5. While I was a resident of Massachusetts, I got married in Maine and have a Maine marriage license. This was about 5 years ago, and I have not officially changed my name.

    Now I want to finally change my name but I want to move my maiden name to a second middle name. This is not listed on my marriage certificate only my first name and my husband's last name.

    Will I be able to change my name by moving my maiden name to a second last name in the state of MA without going through the court?

    • Sorry, I meant change my name by moving my maiden name to a second middle name (not a second last name) in the state of MA without going through the court.

    • Hi Hillary. Adding a second middle name won't work in MA. At best, you can replace your middle name with your maiden name.

  6. Hi. I hope someone can help me. I'm originally from the Philippines and was married for almost 2 years now. I'm now in New Jersey, USA. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to correct my maiden name to married name while I'm in the Philippines so all my ID's now are still under my maiden name. Social, green card and passport.

    Can you tell me which steps should I take to have it corrected to my husband's last name. I was thinking to have it changed when I re-apply for permanent card on 2025. If that's the case, should I just change my name on Social and passport on the same year? Or do you have other suggestions about it.

    • Can you tell me which steps should I take to have it corrected to my husband's last name.

      You can use a certified copy of your marriage certificate to change the name on your green card by submitting Form I-90. Use the certificate to change the name on your social security and passport as well.

      I was thinking to have it changed when I re-apply for permanent card on 2025.

      Sure, you can defer the change until then.

      If that's the case, should I just change my name on Social and passport on the same year?

      You can change everything at the same time later.

  7. Hi Tyrone!

    I am from IL and got married on March 2022. My marriage certificate reflects my First Name, Middle Name, and Maiden Last Name (my full name at birth).

    Before I filled out the form online to change my last name to my husband's last name, I called the SSA customer service line to ask if it's possible to change my middle name to my maiden name and they said it is not allowed.

    So, I filled out the form as my First Name, Middle Name, and New Last Name. I went to the SSA Office last month (May 2023) to have the name change reflect my SSN.

    When I told my coworker about this, she told me that I could have changed my middle name to my maiden name. I was being paranoid because I initially wanted to change my middle name to my maiden name but was told that I couldn't. And found out from my coworker that it's possible? I was telling myself that it's too late to do such a thing already since I already went to the SSA office.

    To have a clear mind, I called the SSA customer service again to confirm if I could change my middle name to my maiden name. And they said it is not possible or allowed because I would need a court order to do so. The second time I called, I didn't mention that I already changed my name with the SSA office. So, I was asking again as a person wanting to change their name for the first time after marriage.

    But now I am reading your Name Change article and all the comments and I am discovering that I could have done that? So, now I am so confused. And a little upset that the SSA customer service people that I spoke with gave me false information?

    I know it's too late to change my name to my First Name, Maiden Name, and New Last Name because my SSN has been updated to my First Name, Middle Name, and New Last Name. It's just sad cause I really wanted to change my middle name to my maiden name and didn't because I was told that I couldn't. :(

    I just wanted to confirm with you that I could have done it?

    • Hi Khatlyn. Yes, you could have replaced your middle name with your maiden name using a certified copy of your marriage certificate. You can look into a name correction as a possible remedy.

  8. I am in New York State.

    My goal is for my marriage certificate to read as the highlighted Target Name below.

    Example only:
    Current Name: Alison Mary Smith

    New Surname: Lee Target Name: Alison Smith Lee (take my maiden name as new middle)

    I'm not sure how I would fill out the marriage application to make that happen. I have seen and read so many conflicting articles.

    The application sample I see online asks for "full name" and "surname after marriage".

    Would I fill 1a and 1c as shown below?

    1a. Full name: First Name as Alison, Middle Name as Smith, Current Surname as Smith.
    1b. Birth name if different
    1c. Surname after marriage: Surname as Lee so that the married name will be Alison Smith Lee.

    I have heard conflicting statements that town's may or may not accept.

    • Hi Heather. For line 1a, you shouldn't put your pre-marriage name, which is your current name. If your birth name and current name are the same, then leave 1b blank.

      When you fill out the social security card, driver's license, passport, etc, applications, the middle name from line 1a can be extrapolated for the maiden to middle name replacement.

  9. I live in MA and recently got married. My marriage certificate shows my first name, original middle name, new last name. It did not give me the option to write a new middle name which I have changed to my maiden name through my SSN and ID.

    For renewing my passport, the documents requested are "marriage certificate" to prove name change. My marriage certificate does not show my new middle name, if I enter my new middle name in the application, will that be sufficient? Or are there other documents such as my ID/SSN that I should also send in to avoid them printing my old middle name on my passport?

    • if I enter my new middle name in the application, will that be sufficient?

      Entering your middle name on the application is enough. And you must include a certified copy of your marriage certificate with your paperwork.

      Or are there other documents such as my ID/SSN

      ID is required if your passport was issued more than 15 years ago. Your social security number is required no matter what.

  10. Hi-renewing passport and want to now put in my maiden name as my middle name. My last passport issued in 2011 I provided my marriage certificate (CT). My name was printed First Middle Last with the last being my husband's last name.

    My other ID- DL and now as of yesterday (yes super late on this) my SSA card now have First Maiden Last. I am confused if it is a new passport DS-11 or DS-82.

    My local postal worker who used to work in a PO that did passports thinks it is a DS-82 and I do not even need to check #11 as long as I provide all other names I have gone by.

    I have had 3 passports issued so she believes they will see the reason for middle name change. Thoughts? Really appreciate all the thought and care you all have put into this site and sure wish I had known about the service you provide with name change support way back when!

    • I am confused if it is a new passport DS-11 or DS-82.

      Use the passport form DS-82 since your last passport was issued less than 15 years ago.

      My local postal worker who used to work in a PO that did passports thinks it is a DS-82


      and I do not even need to check #11 as long as I provide all other names I have gone by.

      Put in the name on your last passport, as it's changing.

      I have had 3 passports issued so she believes they will see the reason for middle name change. Thoughts?

      Section #11 instructs to "complete if name is different than last U.S. passport book."

  11. Hello!
    I got married in 2007 in NJ. Marriage certificate didn’t have an option to choose new name, it states my given name. SS card, driver’s license, etc all have my preferred name after I changed everything years ago… first, maiden as middle, husband’s last.

    I went to get a Real ID today and they refused saying my marriage cert and SS didn’t match. I explained my situation, they wouldn’t listen or advise me in any way. Said I’d have to get a name change at SS office. Is my only option to go petition the courts? Are they misinformed and I should try again? Any reference of law I can have with me that will help avoid this all over again? TIA

    • Hi Victoria. New Jersey is one of the few remaining states that limits maiden to middle name changes through marriage. You will have to petition the court.

  12. Hello. Added my maiden name as a middle name in North Carolina. Would like to remove the middle name formerly maiden name because it's too long and just causes issues. What do I need to do in NC for that.

  13. When I got married, I took my maiden name as part of my middle name and took my spouse's last name, which has caused problems with documents being filled out incorrectly with a double last name.

    I want to amend my marriage license to remove my maiden name (to have a single middle name). I was told I had to do a legal name change, so I did.

    But on the petition, there was only the option to change from my birth name to a new name (not from my original married name to a new married name with the same spouse), so the change was not made to my married name, and nowhere does the court certificate state my chosen married name that I am trying to amend.

    I feel like what I was told to do was the wrong way to change/amend my marriage certificate, but I can't find any info about this specific situation.

    Even the county clerk is now saying they can't amend my marriage certificate even though I took all the steps they told to take to make that happen.

    Is there a way to reverse my birth name change and get a married-name change and an amended marriage certificate? I hope this all makes sense.

    • I want to amend my marriage license to remove my maiden name (to have a single middle name). I was told I had to do a legal name change, so I did.

      This was correct advice. You can't make such an amendment to your marriage license or certificate after recording, as you're not correcting an error or typo.

      But on the petition, there was only the option to change from my birth name to a new name (not from my original married name to a new married name with the same spouse)

      I'm not sure what's going on here, but for court-petitioned name changes, there's just a current name and new name. The court doesn't reference your marital status.

      Just ignore your marriage certificate, as it wouldn't play a part here. Your petition should have simply asked what your current name is and what your proposed name will be.

      I feel like what I was told to do was the wrong way to change/amend my marriage certificate, but I can't find any info about this specific situation.

      Making an amendment to your marriage certificate wouldn't have worked.

      Even the county clerk is now saying they can't amend my marriage certificate even though I took all the steps they told to take to make that happen.

      When you petition the court for a name change, your court order supercedes your marriage certificate.

      Is there a way to reverse my birth name change and get a married-name change and an amended marriage certificate? I hope this all makes sense.

      It's not clear to me if your court petition has been finalized. If not, you should contact the court clerk to make sure your petition has been filled out properly with your preferred new name.

      If your court order has already been granted, then you can contact the court to seek an amendment to your court order.

      • Thank you so much for all this info. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the detailed response. I've been working on this for over a year and getting wrong info all through the process.

        On the forms for the name change petition, I was only given the option to list my birth name even though I have my spouse's last name.

        I told the clerk that my birth name is not my current legal name, and they said it didn't matter (though I think it does). The name I changed from is/was not my Current legal name. It all felt wrong, but…

        I spoke with the court, and they basically said it's my fault for signing the paper with an incorrect name (even though that's the name I was told to write, and I questioned whether it was correct). The clerk said my only options are:

        1) Do another name change back to my birth name then do yet another change from one married name to the next.
        2) Seek legal advice and have an attorney fix this.

        I'm going to go broke paying for all of this. You say there's an option to do an amendment? I feel like the court needs to fix this because I was given incorrect information that led to a big mistake on the court papers.

        I'm in California. Maybe I'm being to picky, but I did NOT want to change my birth name, just my married name.

        Thank you.

        • On the forms for the name change petition, I was only given the option to list my birth name even though I have my spouse's last name.

          The California petition for change of name form has a "present name" and "proposed name" field. The present name would have been your current legal name at the time. The proposed name would have been the name you wanted to change to. We elaborate on this process on the California name change page.

          I spoke with the court, and they basically said it's my fault for signing the paper with an incorrect name (even though that's the name I was told to write, and I questioned whether it was correct).

          A big misunderstanding must have taken place. The court clerk must not have realized what name you were trying to change to.

          The clerk said my only options are: 1) Do another name change back to my birth name then do yet another change from one married name to the next.

          You don't have to do two court name changes. Just a single petition that specifies your final name would suffice.

          2) Seek legal advice and have an attorney fix this.

          If the court isn't willing to amend your court order, then you'd either have to pursue a brand new court petition, or consult with an attorney to see if they can convince or compel the court to amend your court order. An attorney may be able to get movement with a form letter and affidavit.

          I'm going to go broke paying for all of this. You say there's an option to do an amendment?

          I was referring to asking the court to amend your order, but it's not clear how willing they are to do this.

          I feel like the court needs to fix this because I was given incorrect information that led to a big mistake on the court papers.

          Have you asked them to amend your court order? Or speak to the judge to request an amendment.

          Otherwise, you have to choose which option is less expensive and time consuming: filing another petition or hiring a lawyer.

  14. Hello, I live in NY but am getting married in VT this summer. I would like to drop my middle name and take my partner's last name as a new middle name.

    I have read that in NY you cannot change your middle name after marriage and I have been advised that in VT you do not put your new desired name on your marriage certificate, only your original maiden name.

    I am wondering if I use the VT marriage license, can I update my middle name through SSN and then use the new SSN card to update my other records (State ID, passport, etc.) in the state of NY?

    Thank you! This thread is very helpful!

    • I would like to drop my middle name and take my partner's last name as a new middle name.

      This isn't permitted in New York.

      I have read that in NY you cannot change your middle name after marriage

      You can change your middle name in NY, but only to your maiden name.

      I have been advised that in VT you do not put your new desired name on your marriage certificate, only your original maiden name

      That's true.

      I am wondering if I use the VT marriage license, can I update my middle name through SSN

      No, unfortunately that won't work.

  15. Hello, My fiancé and I live in Texas but are getting married in Michigan; we are considering the option for both of us to add my maiden name as a middle name (two middle names) and using his last name.

    I am uncertain how a marriage license from another state then the place of residence impacts what name changes are allowed. Could both of us make this change easily or would we have to go through the courts? Thank you.

    • I am uncertain how a marriage license from another state then the place of residence impacts what name changes are allowed.

      Texas doesn't support double middle names in Texas, so you would both have to petition. The petition always takes place in the state of residence.

  16. If I go and drop my middle name and put my maiden name, will I have to change it on my license? Could I still use my first and my new middle name or do I have to change all my documents? My banks, my insurance with my new name?

    My husband has four names on his SSA when I asked to add my maiden name with my married name they said no that I have to have only three names on my SSA which made no sense.

    But what I'm trying to say is I drop my middle name and put my maiden name. Can I go by my first and my maiden name or do I have to go by my first and maiden name and my married last name.

    It sounds confusing I'm sorry if I confused you but I'm trying to get the right answers before I do this.

    😊 Thanks

    • If I go and drop my middle name and put my maiden name, will I have to change it on my license?

      The driver licensing authority in most states expect you to notify them once you change the name on your social security card. The time frames varies. You can review the name change deadline article for specifics on your state.

      Could I still use my first and my new middle name or do I have to change all my documents? My banks, my insurance with my new name?

      I'm not sure what you're asking here. Once you change your name with social security, it's a good idea to complete it with other entities.

      My husband has four names on his SSA when I asked to add my maiden name with my married name they said no that I have to have only three names on my SSA which made no sense.

      The SSA allows spaces on your SS card. But if there's a new name cited on your marriage certificate, they'll only honor that name.

      The remaining rationale is that you've hit a character limit. Social security cards have two lines. The top line for your first and middle name. The bottom line for your last name. They allow 26 characters per line. Would your two last names exceeded 26 characters?

      But what I'm trying to say is I drop my middle name and put my maiden name.

      You can if you're not in a state that limits such changes.

      Can I go by my first and my maiden name or do I have to go by my first and maiden name and my married last name.

      Go by it how? Informally? On official ID? You can always opt to use your maiden name in non-legal contexts. But if you want to do something such as apply for a job in your maiden name, that would be a problem when it comes to background checks and social security.

      It sounds confusing I'm sorry if I confused you but I'm trying to get the right answers before I do this.

      If I'm not catching your angle, please reply back with an example, such as going from name ABC to DEF?

  17. Hi can I put my husband's middle name on my surname because his full name Raja Shahrukh Sabir? So I want to add his middle name Mahira Shahrukh. Is that right to change my husband name like that? Please let me know so confused.

  18. Hi there. I have 2 questions regarding name changes. I was married 11 months ago in Florida, and legally changed my last name to a hyphenated name of my maiden last name and husband's. Now I think it's too long. Would I have to get a court petition and pay to change it again? I would like to make my middle name my maiden name and my husband's name as my last name.

    The second question is that I am also toying with the idea of changing my first name to a combination of my first name and my birth given middle name with no spaces or hyphens.

    If you can please let me know if either or both option can be done with only my marriage certificate at the SSA and the DMV without a court petition since I already changed my name via marriage. Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Would I have to get a court petition and pay to change it again? I would like to make my middle name my maiden name and my husband's name as my last name.

      There's an undo option for social security, but you may face resistance with the DMV.

      The second question is that I am also toying with the idea of changing my first name

      That requires petitioning your Florida circuit court. If you're going this route, you can complete your full name change altogether, rather than piecing it together here and there.

  19. I was born in NJ, but married in PA. I will be moving to PA. Will I still face an issue when trying to change my middle name?

  20. Hi,
    I am getting married soon and am applying for a marriage license in CA. On the CA online application, is it mandatory to include the middle name and do I just leave it blank? If I leave the middle name section blank, will that drop my middle name with my new last name (husband's last name)?

    Thank you.

  21. Hi! I was married in Iowa in May 2022. We currently live in Minnesota. When filling out the marriage application, I was not aware that it would be my legal document for a name change. So now our marriage certificate says my maiden first and middle name with my husbands last name.

    However, I wanted my maiden last name as my middle name. I have tried to figure out how to amend our certificate but continue to get the run around. I understand I will have to petition the court — however, when I spoke with a person at the court offices in MN they were indicating I needed an attorney, etc. This did not seem to be the case when I spoke with the registrar office in IA (however, I haven't been able to get a hold of the actual IA court office).

    I would love some insight on if one state seems to be more streamlined, do I need an attorney, etc. (I'm not even sure what "petition the court" truly means.) I have not moved forward with any name change with SS office. I feel dumb for not realizing this right from the start. Thank you!!

    • now our marriage certificate says my maiden first and middle name with my husbands last name

      I'm not sure what the placement and sequence is here. Could you please clarify?

      when I spoke with a person at the court offices in MN they were indicating I needed an attorney

      You can file the Minnesota court petition yourself. An attorney is optional.

      I haven't been able to get a hold of the actual IA court office

      Since you live in Minnesota, that's where your name change will take place. The action at this point wouldn't be in Iowa.

  22. Hi! I'm just starting this process and I'm not sure which state laws to check. I was married in TN & that's where my driver's license is currently, but we are now living in IL, so I am planning on processing my state name change here, so I can get a new license at the same time.

    I want to do a name change that's: FirstName MiddleName MaidenName HisLastname, but I want to make sure that TN or IL allow this before I submit this new name to SS. Our marriage license did not have a place for a new name yet, so I am free to figure it out now. Do you know which states resources I need to check to see if they allow for 2 middle names?

    • Hi Jana. Neither IL nor TN will ask for your new name on your marriage application. AFAIK, both states are unlikely to approve anything beyond replacing your middle name with your maiden name.

  23. Hi! I live in CA and I just got married this year. My marriage certificate has First Name and husbands last name only. However I changed my mind and want to do first name (maiden name as middle name) then husbands last name. I haven't changed any other documents. Is it still possible to do that? I've heard I'm stuck with what’s on my marriage certificate.

    • I haven't changed any other documents. Is it still possible to do that?

      You do not have to change any other documents.

      I've heard I'm stuck with what’s on my marriage certificate.

      You are stuck in the sense that you can't modify your marriage certificate, but that doesn't obligate you to change your name to match what's on the certificate. You can ignore your certificate and move on.

  24. I live in Washington state, where middle name changes at marriage aren’t allowed, but I’m getting married in Nevada. Ideally I’d go from First Middle Maiden to First Middle Middle/Maiden Married. Will Washington recognize this change?

  25. I wanted to add my maiden name to my middle name and SSA allowed me but I didn't petition to change it and the DMV wouldn't let me put my full name on my id. Do I have to petition to have my middle name updated or does my social security card suffice for that name change? The worker kept saying my social security card isn't a "legal document."

    I know that my id and passport doesn't require a middle name but I'm just concerned that with my name not being the same across all my legal documents, including my social security card, that I will run into trouble…? Or would it matter if my social security card includes my middle name + maiden name but not my id and passport?

    • the DMV wouldn't let me put my full name on my id.

      The SSA operates on federal law and rules, while the DMV operates on state statutes. You're experiencing an area where the SSA is more lenient than the DMV.

      Do I have to petition to have my middle name updated or does my social security card suffice for that name change?

      You do if you want your driver's license to match your social security record character-by-character.

      The worker kept saying my social security card isn't a "legal document."


      I'm just concerned that with my name not being the same across all my legal documents, including my social security card, that I will run into trouble…?

      Although your documents don't have to match. You can get issued a SS card, driver's license, and passport with slight variations. However, it's more common for social security and driver's license to match. Many DMVs (or equivalents) will not permit a mismatch.

      Where it could get you into "trouble" is unpredictable. If you faced a situation where a minor omission of part of your middle name becomes a problem, you can 1) explain it away, 2) present a copy of your marriage certificate to reconcile the name differences, or 3) consider if it's worthwhile to petition the court for a name change to force your driver's license to match your social security record/card.

      Or would it matter if my social security card includes my middle name + maiden name but not my id and passport?

      See prior response.

  26. Hi! I was recently married and want to make my maiden name part of my middle name, so I’d have two middle names, then my husbands last name. Should I go to SS office first to do this, then petition the NJ courts, then get my license updated?

  27. Hello,
    I've married, but my marriage license didn't have the option for middle name. I live in Massachusetts. I'd like to add my maiden name to my middle name, or maybe even replace my middle name with my maiden name. Is this possible?

    • Hi Jacquelyn. You can replace your middle name with your maiden name using your marriage certificate as-is.

  28. I need to renew my passport which already has my married name and I would like to add my maiden name as a middle name. Possible to do?

  29. I got married last year in August and just recently filed paperwork to change my name. I filled out the paperwork, made my maiden name my middle name, and took my husband's last name. I successfully received my new social security card.

    In looking into correcting my professional work license and driver's license is when I found out that I was not allowed to do this. I truly wasn't aware that the state of NJ did not allow my maiden name to become my middle name.

    Will I be able to change my professional work license and driver's license with my new social security card and marriage license?

    • Hi Jenny. Unfortunately, you won't be able to effect those name changes at the state-level.

      If necessary, you may want to consider reversing your name change and starting again with a clean slate that'll satisfy the SSA and DMV/MVC.

      The alternative is to pursue a name change through court.

  30. HI, I changed my name when married in 2016 in CA. I kept my First name, changed my middle name to my maiden name and changed my last name to his last name. I changed my social, drivers license, bank etc… I went to get a Live ID at DMV and she said with changing my middle name I have all these issues now and can't get it. Saying I have to appeal to the court, get in front of a judge, pay a huge fee..etc.. is this correct?? Thank you

    • Hi Treena. Assuming 1) your marriage license was issued on or after January 1, 2009, and 2) your new middle name was shown on your marriage license, you shouldn't face a problem changing your name across federal and state entities.

      Such name changes are covered under California's Name Equality Act. You can read further on the California name change page.

      • Thank you Valera! Yes my birth Cert says Treena Danielle Digrazia , I got married 2016 says that on marriage cert. Then after I changed name on social and all other docs to Treena Digrazia (Then my new last name from my husband).. DMV rejected my docs.. So weird. Thanks for all the info!

        • my birth Cert says Treena Danielle Digrazia , I got married 2016 says that on marriage cert.

          Your marriage certificate would have to show your new full name when going to the DMV. Your name transitions aren't clear to me. You're saying your birth certificate shows your birth name as Treena Danielle Digrazia, but your marriage certificate shows that as your legal name? What does it say for your new name, if any?

          Then after I changed name on social and all other docs to Treena Digrazia

          I'm assuming you didn't drop your middle name?

          Then my new last name from my husband

          As stated at the beginning, I'm not sure about your name sequence. I'm wondering if your earlier reference to "birth Cert" was a typo for marriage cert? Please clarify.

  31. I am getting married for the second time, currently my last name and my children's last names are the same, and I really don't want to give up that name completely.

    I would really like my name to be First, Middle-Maiden-Kidslastname, Newlastname. Is it possible to hyphenate my middle name like that, so that i can keep all of the names?

  32. Yes getting married in Texas but want to keep my Madian name. Can this be done. Might move to Louisiana after married awhile will I run into a problem if I’m drawing disability. Do I need to report getting married in Texas

    • getting married in Texas but want to keep my Madian name. Can this be done.

      You can keep your maiden name after marriage. That's the default if you don't pursue a name change post-marriage.

      Do I need to report getting married in Texas

      Your marriage is reported once your marriage license is returned for recording to the county clerk who issued it.

  33. Hi, I'm getting married soon in California and I don't want to mess up my paperwork. Is there a way I keep both my middle and maiden name and just add my future spouse's last name to it without hyphenating it? If so how would I do it?

    • Is there a way I keep both my middle and maiden name and just add my future spouse's last name to it without hyphenating it?

      Yes, you must write that precisely on the new name after marriage block on your marriage license application.

  34. I live in Indiana and was married 4 years ago and I have yet to change my name.

    I'd now like to change my name to First Name, Maiden Name, Married Name. I called SSA and they said they can only change the last name for marriage, and I'd have to go to the court for middle name change. Is that correct?

  35. Hi
    I am trying to figure out if I need to petition the court to add my middle name to my current middle name and change my last name to my husbands. We just got married a month ago in MT, and I wrote my maiden name on the marriage certificate. So I am wanting my name to be xxx, xxx-xxx, xxx. The social security office made it sound like I could just write it how I want but I wasn't sure if this covered me.

  36. 1. Can you make your husband's name your legal middle name?
    2. Or, could I take my husband's last name, but use my maiden name for writing publications?

    I have a common first and last name. I want to take my future husband's last name. However, I'm a writer in process of publishing books. I want to use my abbreviated first name (less common) and maiden last name as an author, as it's not as common and sounds more writerly, if you will….

    • Can you make your husband's name your legal middle name?

      You might be able to do this. It depends on the state. Could you specify? And did your marriage already take place?

      Or, could I take my husband's last name, but use my maiden name for writing publications?

      You can write under a pseudonym or pen name, but it wouldn't be your legal name. For instance, it wouldn't be the name you'd use when signing contracts or filing taxes.

  37. Hello from NC,
    I just got my Naturalization certificate last week with my First and Last husband's name on it. Everywhere else I use my first name and last maiden name, no middle name. I will be applying for a U.S. passport and would like to add a maiden name as my middle name and keep my husband's last name. Do I need to go through the court to do that or notify USCIS to make this change for me ?

    Thank you

  38. Hello, I live in NJ. When I got married in 2014, I took my husband’s last name. I’ve always felt disconnected though by losing my maiden name (it has so much meaning to me). I recently discovered though I could have my maiden name as my middle. I think I would have a hard time parting with my current middle name though. Is it possible in NJ to have two middle names?

    Current: (First) Jane (Middle) Ann (Last) Smith
    Change: (First) Jane (Middle) Ann Jones (Last) Smith

    I understand petitioning to the court would be necessary, but wanted to see if two names would be possible before I start the process.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    • Is it possible in NJ to have two middle names?

      Yes, it's possible.

      I understand petitioning to the court would be necessary, but wanted to see if two names would be possible before I start the process.

      The court would allow such a name change.

      • Thanks for the response Valera! I appreciate the feedback. Another thing I’ve read about NJ is about publishing the change request in the newspaper, but I can’t seem to find information about that. Do you know if it’s like a local newspaper or something else? Or would the court let me know?

        • Do you know if it’s like a local newspaper or something else?

          It's a local newspaper. Please see the court section of the NJ name change page for further details.

  39. Thanks in advance for the help! I'm a resident of California but am getting married in Illinois where it does not allow you to list your new name on the marriage license.

    I want to keep my current middle name, move my maiden name to a second middle name, and take my partner's last name as my new last name. Is this possible in California if my marriage license from Illinois does not allow me to indicate this?

    From what I understand I can do this with my SSN/passport but may have trouble with the DMV.

    • move my maiden name to a second middle name

      Yes, you can add your maiden name to your middle name, separated by a hyphen or space.

      • Thanks! So even though my marriage license will not list my new names, California will still allow me to add a middle name? I thought this could only be done if it was indicated on the marriage license?

        • Hi Kristina. You're correct. Since it's not listed in Illinois, at best you can replace your middle with your maiden.

          • Thanks! Just to clarify – Can I add my maiden name to my existing middle (separated with a space), or can I only replace my current middle with my maiden?

  40. I’m in WA state and my name on my marriage license reads given First, given Middle, Husband’s last name. When I got my SSN/passport/driver’s license, I used my Maiden name for my middle. So, all my ID forms show First Name, Maiden for middle name, husband’s last name.

    My question is: what is my legal name and is a middle name a part of the legal name? Is it what is listed on my ID’s or marriage license?? I am wanting to update my maiden name to my legal name on my Canadian citizenship paperwork, but I’m worried it will cause issues with my marriage license not matching my ID’s. Thanks!

    • My question is: what is my legal name and is a middle name a part of the legal name? Is it what is listed on my ID’s or marriage license?

      Your ID. The new name on your marriage certificate gives you the option to change. It's not mandatory.

  41. Hello! I got married in 2017 in California. On my marriage certificate, I changed my last name to my husband's and kept my middle name the same. Now I would like to change my middle name to my maiden name instead.

    I haven't changed my name with any government entity since being married, but would like to do that now. Will Social Security, DMV, etc. only accept the new name indicated on my marriage certificate? Will I need a Court order? Thank you in advance!

    • Hi MyKieu. Yes, you're locked into the name shown on your marriage certificate. The SSA and DMV will only accept that name. You'll have to get a court order to deviate.

  42. Hi, I was married in IL in 2010, I live in Florida now. I took my husbands last name in 2010. First, Middle, Husbands surname. I would now like to change to First, maiden, husbands surname which is also my current surname. Do I need a court order?

    • Hi Melissa. Yes, you'd need a court order at this point. If you only changed it on your social security card, you can pursue a name reversal (internally it's called a "correction") using your marriage certificate. But since your name change was over a decade ago, I assume you've changed your name on an array of documents, including your driver's license or non-driver ID card. You would need to file a court petition.

  43. Hi Valera,

    I got married in 2019 but started the process of changing my name this year. I live in California and got married here. At birth, my name was First _ Middle _ My mom's maiden _ Last.

    On marriage certificate, I indicated a name change to First _ Middle _ My maiden _ Spouse's last. I submitted the SS5 form with the same desired name from the marriage certificate, but SSA sent me back a new card with my first and middle name as one name with no space _ mother's maiden name _ my maiden name _ spouses last.

    I called the office and they claim my first name isn't actually changed and they only took out the space because they have limited space in their fields.

    They also said in order to drop my mother's maiden name and change my middle name as I would like, then I need to change my birth certificate. I don't understand how that would work because I want my maiden name as part of my middle name and if I did that on my birth certificate, then I'd have no last name to put at birth.

    Ultimately, how do I go about getting the name I indicated on my marriage certificate? Do I have to get a court order?

    • On marriage certificate, I indicated a name change to First _ Middle _ My maiden _ Spouse's last.

      Should work as shown by the California Name Equality Act.

      I submitted the SS5 form with the same desired name from the marriage certificate, but SSA sent me back a new card with my first and middle name as one name with no space

      What's the format of your card? First line and last line? I ask, because there should be 26 characters available on line one for your first and middle name. Then 26 spaces for your last name.

      they claim my first name isn't actually changed and they only took out the space because they have limited space in their fields

      They will clip names for lack of space. However, it should be stored correctly in their system. This is what allows you to have a funky looking card, but your driver's license renewed correctly when the DMV goes to query the SSA database for the full, non-truncated name.

      how do I go about getting the name I indicated on my marriage certificate? Do I have to get a court order?

      Something about this doesn't sound right. The California Name Equality Act allows you to join your middle name with your maiden name through marriage, with a space, hyphen, or flush. The SSA's own Programs Operations Manual for California Name Changes allows this:

      Each party to the marriage may adopt any of the following middle names: A combination of the current middle name and the birth last name of the person or spouse.

      So it's allowed through California law and SSA's internal guidelines.

      Ultimately, how do I go about getting the name I indicated on my marriage certificate? Do I have to get a court order?

      You shouldn't have to go to court. You may have gotten an agent that was mistaken and unaware of what's allowed. You can print the pertinent section of the PDF linked above and the POMS page (highlighting the middle name section) and ask for a correction and reissue.

      • Thank you so much for such a detailed (and quick) response.

        Now that I've had time to think more about the situation, a more specific question is: At birth my middle name was two parts — Middle name1 _ mother's maiden name.

        At marriage, I wanted to only drop the mother's maiden name half of my middle name and replace it with my now maiden name, making my middle name now Middle name1 _ my maiden name.

        Is this a legal change that doesn't require going to court or changing my birth certificate? Or is that what is meant by "segments" that aren't allowed according to the Name Equality Act?

        • At birth my middle name was two parts — Middle name1 _ mother's maiden name.

          Thanks for clarifying. Now I see the structure clearly. I read your original comment to mean your last name was your mother's maiden name. However, your mother's maiden is part of your middle name.

          At marriage, I wanted to only drop the mother's maiden name half of my middle name and replace it with my now maiden name, making my middle name now Middle name1 _ my maiden name.

          That's not possible through marriage. In California, you can't drop a portion of your middle name. You can add to it or replace it, but you can slice it up.

          Is this a legal change that doesn't require going to court or changing my birth certificate?

          You would have to go to court.

          Or is that what is meant by "segments" that aren't allowed according to the Name Equality Act?

          Correct. Segments are allowed for your last name, but not your middle name.

      • Oh sorry, and to answer your question, yes my SS card has two lines. It is formatted as ( First name and middle name 1 with no space, Mother's maiden initial ) on the first line, and ( Spouses last name ) on the second line.

        They could have fit my first name + middle name + mothers maiden + my maiden all on the first line if they had clipped the space between my mother's and my maiden name as well.

        • They could have fit my first name + middle name + mothers maiden + my maiden all on the first line

          There should be 26 characters allocated for line one and another 26 for line two.

  44. Hi Valera! Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to everyone's comments! It's crazy how confusing this whole process is with differing standard practices across the board.

    My question is: I recently married in GA and added my maiden name as my second middle name (e.i. First Name – Middle Name – Maiden Name – Married Surname). As a performer, my name is established as my First Name – Maiden Name. Can I still sign legal (tax and otherwise) documents as my performer name (First Name – Maiden Name) if it is my second middle name or do I have to now sign using my new surname?

    Thank you!

    • an I still sign legal (tax and otherwise) documents as my performer name

      No. Contracts and taxes need to go under your legal name. However, just because you specified a new name on your marriage license doesn't make it official. You'll have to correct your social security card for it to be legal.

  45. My step daughter just got married this past weekend and would like to change her name to use her given birth first name, my last name as her new middle name and her new husband's last name.

    She has no ties to her birth father anymore, and since I raised her as my own she would like to drop his name (her Maiden) altogether, but honor my last name in her new name.

    Her father would never consent to me adopting her. So she would change her name from Ashley Leigh Jones to Ashley Phillips Moore. Would she have to petition the court to do this or could she do this without going to court. We are in North Carolina.

    • Hi Shawn. Yes, she would have to petition the court, as that would be considered an entirely new name.

  46. Hi Valera – I have a question on changing my name in Nebraska. I am trying to change it to First, Maiden, His last name, essentially dropping my middle name. I have already changed in on my social security card to this. Will I have any trouble at the DMV or should I change my passport name as well first before trying to go into the DMV? Thank you!

  47. Hi! I recently got married in IL. There was nowhere on the marriage certificate to indicate my preferred name post-marriage. I would like to change my name from First Middle Maiden to First Maiden Married.

    I submitted my social security paperwork accordingly and confirmed with my local social security office that I completed the paperwork correctly. I just received my new card with the name First Middle Married.

    When I’ve called the social security office to request clarification and a correction, I’ve been told that changing to First Maiden Married isn’t an option without a petition to the court (which would require changing my birth certificate to read first maiden maiden!).

    They have told me that everyone who changes their name to First Maiden Married actually has two last names (maiden married) because it isn’t possible to change your middle name. Is this accurate?

    • There was nowhere on the marriage certificate to indicate my preferred name post-marriage.

      That's normal for Illinois.

      confirmed with my local social security office that I completed the paperwork correctly.

      That should be possible. Our Illinois name change article touches on this.

      I’ve been told that changing to First Maiden Married isn’t an option without a petition to the court (which would require changing my birth certificate to read first maiden maiden!).

      This shouldn't require a court petition. Was your maiden name on file with the SSA? If not, that could be the problem.

      They have told me that everyone who changes their name to First Maiden Married actually has two last names (maiden married)

      There can be only one last name. There are separate record blocks for your first, middle, and last name. Only your first and last name is considered part of your legal name, not your middle. However, your middle name will still be shown on your social security card.

      What you're describing sounds like inside baseball technicalities. Your middle name exists in a state of limbo. It's there, but has no legal significance. The SSA sections off your name in halves: given name and family name.

      Your "given name" is your first and middle name. Your "family name" is your last name and suffix (if any). All four sections are stored in your social security record, but your middle and suffix are second-class citizens. They may not even make it onto your social security card if space is limited. They're considered expendable. But that doesn't meant they can't be changed.

      because it isn’t possible to change your middle name.

      The SSA's operating manual provides examples of middle name changes.

      You can try to resubmit to the same or different office, requesting a name correction. You'd use your marriage certificate again.

      But, jumping back to what I mentioned earlier, if your maiden name wasn't actually established with the SSA, you'll have to supply a document that proves it, such as a certified copy of your birth certificate.

  48. I was recently married in AZ- there is no place on the marriage license to write the desired name that results from the marriage.

    I wanted to go from First, middle name, maiden name
    to First, maiden name, husband's last name. (basically swap my maiden name for my middle name)

    I called the social security office to make sure this was possible, and they assured me that the federal government only recognizes the first and last name as legal, and it doesn't matter what you do with your middle name when you get married.

    So they gave me a card that has first, maiden, husband's last name.

    Next, I went to the DMV, and the person helping me stubbornly insisted that my marriage license wasn't enough proof of my name change and that the government needed to know what happened to my middle name, even though I think it's a logical leap between the two names.

    They didn't care that my social security card reflected the change, and told me I could either go back to the SS office and change my middle name back with them, or go to a court to get my middle name changed.

    I've seen a few news articles of women bumping into the same problem since making the move to REAL ID (even women who've been married for 40 years), and it all comes down to the individual DMV or employee making the call on whether or not a connection can be made between the birth certificate and the marriage license.

    Sometimes the employees let it happen, sometimes they don't. Seems unfair and entirely arbitrary (and inconsistent). In one article, the lady called all the way up the chain of command until she got to someone in charge of the bureau in her state, and he said that it comes down to inconsistent training and unclear information between individual DMVs.

    There's got to be a way to fix this, because it seems unreasonable to make me go pay $400 at a court just to make what I think is a really obvious change.

    • there is no place on the marriage license to write the desired name that results from the marriage.

      That's normal in Arizona.

      I wanted to go from First, middle name, maiden name
      to First, maiden name, husband's last name

      You can.

      the federal government only recognizes the first and last name as legal, and it doesn't matter what you do with your middle name when you get married.

      Correct, which is a non-issue.

      it comes down to inconsistent training and unclear information between invidual DMVs.

      It does appear you got an agent who wasn't aware that it was possible. Arizona statutes don't forbid middle name changes.

      When encountering such an agent, you can ask if they can provide written documentation that explains their position. And, if not, why not?

      At worst, you can try a different DMV. And even call in advance to pose this question. And if you get an affirmative reply, get the agent's name and make an appointmet to see them directly. Or at least arrive on a day they're working so that you can appeal to them if necessary.

    • Go to a different dmv. Do not settle for what some clerk wants. They don't get to decide that, you do.

      Dmvs require the Social Security name to match the driver's license name. Social Security is the place to start the name change process. Technically, your new legal name is now your first, maiden, and hubby's surname. The dmv shouldn't be asking you to "go back and change it, nor 'fix' it," that IS your legal name!

      The birth certificate name should match your marriage certificate name. The marriage certificate is the required name change document,; that is the "proof" that an event occurred that allows you to change your name. You don't need anything else. It needs to show your name as well as your husband's name, listed somewhere on the document, but not necessarily specify what you want to change it to (many states are like this, with no spot to show what you want it to be).

      We shouldn't have to struggle with this, it's so unfortunate. Good luck!

    • Melissa! This is my same identical problem! DMV lady, or shrew was making life hell for me that day. I had my social, Drives License already changed, bank etc.. still not enough. Said I had to appeal to the courts, get in front of a judge, pay huge few… then I was about to give up and just change my middle name back at social security and they won't see people in person still and I can't get an appointment but it says must be in person to do this.. IM SO LOST!!

  49. I am getting married in California later this year and want to take my partner's last name and make my maiden name my middle name:
    Current name: Kate middle name, last name
    New Name: Kate Maiden name, partner's last name.

    Can I do this on the paperwork or would I need to go to court to do this?

  50. Hello, my partner and I are planning to get married soon. We are from LA California.

    My birth name is Karen Shelby Lopez Gonzales and I want to drop my middle name and take my partners last name Garcia.

    New name: Karen Lopez-Garcia
    Would this be possible?
    If so, would I leave the last name section blank (to drop it)?

    My partners birth name is Karol Fernanda Garcia
    She wants to take my last name
    New name: Karol Fernanda Lopez-Garcia
    Would this be possible?

    • I want to drop my middle name

      You can't drop your middle name through marriage in California.

      She wants to take my last name… Would this be possible?

      Yes, that would work.

  51. I am divorced and am getting re-married in Colorado. I currently still have my ex-husbands last name. Is it possible to use the marriage license to add my maiden name as a second middle name and then take on my soon to be husbands last name?

  52. I got married out of the country in Scotland –the marriage certificate just lists my given name at birth and did not have a place to enter my new name after marriage. I live in Connecticut. Do you know if they will allow me to make my middle name as follows– given middle name & maiden name –with just the use of my marriage certificate?

  53. I got married in NY in August 2018 and signed my marriage certificate as First Name – Middle Name – Married Last Name. I have no changed any legal documents yet.

    I would like my ssn/passport/id to be First Name – Maiden Name – Married Last Name.

    Is this change easy and acceptable? Is a change petition needed? I read that a legislation in NY posed for maiden names can be middle names even if your marriage Certificate doesnt say so.

    Sorry just confused and hearing many stories

    • Is this change easy and acceptable? Is a change petition needed?

      It is easy. Just use your marriage certificate. No need to petition.

  54. Widow remarrying here. My current name is my first, maiden as middle, and deceased husband's surname. I would like to move my deceased husband's surname to my middle (dropping my maiden) and add my new husband's surname.
    Example: Mary Ann Smith, birth
    Mary Smith Jones, current
    Mary Jones Doe, what I want

    Is this possible? I live in Vermont.

  55. Hello! I recently got married in Indiana and want to know if I could change my maiden name as a second middle name then take my husband's last name as a marriage name change or if that would have to go through the courts at any point? First Middle Maiden(as second middle) Last.

    • want to know if I could change my maiden name as a second middle name then take my husband's last name as a marriage name change

      You can do that through marriage.

  56. When I got married 9 years ago, I took my husband's last name and made my maiden name my middle name. Now I'm divorced and I have moved to Nevada. I am changing my name back to my maiden name and am going to start with social security card and then the DMV, but do I have to go back to my original middle name? Or can I just omit a middle name and go back to my maiden name and just have no middle name?

    I don't like my given middle name. Just wondering before I fill out the application for a new social security card. I wish I'd never taken his name! Thanks!

    • Or can I just omit a middle name and go back to my maiden name and just have no middle name?

      No, you wouldn't be able to drop your middle name.

  57. Sorry if you have covered elsewhere — I read as many posts as I can. But, I am writing out of time, so here goes my question:

    Upon marriage in the state of California is it legal to change your maiden name to a second middle name without hyphenating? For example:

    Middle_Name1 Middle_Name2 (formerly maiden name)
    Middle_Name1-Middle_Name2 (formerly maiden name).

    Thank you!

    • Upon marriage in the state of California is it legal to change your maiden name to a second middle name without hyphenating?

      Yes, but this name choice must be specified when you apply for your marriage license. Space, no space, or hyphen is fine. Sequence also doesn't matter, meaning you can reverse it to "Middle_Name2 Middle_Name1" as well.

      • Hi Valera,

        I have the same question along the lines of this and tried reading through the rest of the comments to see if it was covered. But what if my middle name already has a hyphen and I would like to keep it and add my maiden name as a second middle name with a space in between, would this be allowed in California? (Through marriage)

        FirstName, Middle-Name MaidenName, LastName

        Thank you for your time.

        • I would like to keep it and add my maiden name as a second middle name with a space in between, would this be allowed in California? (Through marriage)

          Yes, that would work. You can use a space or hyphen as separator.

  58. I have been married but never changed my name. I now want to change my name. I have a very long maiden name which is hyphenated. So this is how my new full name will look like including my husbands name at the end:

    Eventually, my maiden name will be my middle name because I never had a middle name. is this something possible or I have to drop my maiden name? I'm in MA.


  59. Hi Valera!

    Firstly, I’d like to thank you in advance for your time and all helpful advices you give us here!

    Now my case: I’m Brazilian, no SSN, live and married in Florida (January 2020), where I’m not sure I had the option to change my name on the marriage certificate, which shows my maiden name (Firstname and TwoLastNames).

    I started my immigration process informing the new name I chose which was Firstname, one of my last maiden names as middle name, and my husband last as my last name.

    After submitted the forms, I’ve read and heard many people saying I couldn’t have a middle name and should have hyphenated them as my new last name. I still don’t have answer from immigration but I think they might reject it, so I wanted to check this information ASAP so I can contact them before they do it.

    I know you might not answer for immigration rules, but do you think it is a problem to create a new middle name with my maiden last name in Florida?

    Also, do you know if marriage certificates in Florida show only the maiden name and you change it on SSN and etc; or you think I missed the opportunity to change my name back then when I got married (January 2020)?

    Thanks you so much for your attention and help!

    • live and married in Florida (January 2020), where I’m not sure I had the option to change my name on the marriage certificate

      You didn't.

      I’ve read and heard many people saying I couldn’t have a middle name and should have hyphenated them as my new last name.

      Not sure what they're going on about.

      do you think it is a problem to create a new middle name with my maiden last name in Florida?

      You shouldn't. It's a common practice.

      do you know if marriage certificates in Florida show only the maiden name and you change it on SSN and etc

      It only shows your current legal name, which I assume was still your maiden name at the time.

      or you think I missed the opportunity to change my name back then when I got married (January 2020)?

      You didnt' miss anything. You don't choose a new name on the marriage application, license, or certificate in Florida.

  60. I am widowed and would like to add my maiden name legally without consequences. What is the procedure?

    • Hi Olga. Could you clarify what you mean when you say "add?" Are you looking to append it to your existing name or do you mean to replace something?

  61. Getting married and not sure if I should add my maiden name to my middle name which will give me 2 middle names. Is there a conflict in Massachusetts if I do this?

  62. Can I add my maiden name before my married name w/o consequences…. or do I have to apply for documents to add or change my name on license, social security, passport., or any government ID.

    • Hi Olga. The document you'd use to complete your name change would be a certified copy of your marriage certificate.

  63. Hello —
    I will be taking his surname and am planning to change my maiden name to a second middle name, would this be through court or marriage certificate? (In California)
    First, Current Middle, Maiden, His Surname

    • Hi Anonymous. Yes, you can add your maiden name to your middle name with a hyphen or space. It wouldn't count as two middle names, as there's no such thing. Your dual names will still count as one.

  64. If my birth name is Kathy Lao-Chhat and my new married last name is Le, am I able to change my name to Kathy Lao Le and leave off the Chhat? Or will I have to go through legal name change process first?

    • Hi Kathy. Possibly. It depends on the state. Where will the marriage take place and where will you reside afterward.

  65. Hi,

    I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I will be getting married in a about a month and will do the name change. My thought was to traditionally do the last name rotation, take my Fiance's last name and make my maiden last name my middle name.

    My problem is that the last name I'd like to use would be my mother's husbands (a.k.a Step Father) last name. However, he is not legally or by form of adoption, my legal Father. Will I be able to make his last name my middle name when marrying here in California even though he is not my legal father?

    If marrying, would I have to file a separate court order for middle name change after? Or should could it be done during marriage process? Would I have to have legal adoption first, as an adult, to be able to get his last name as my middle name?

    I hope you can answer my question. I have done a ton of research for weeks now and I'm resulting in giving up.

    • Will I be able to make his last name my middle name when marrying here in California even though he is not my legal father?

      You'd have to go to court to take your stepfather's name as your middle name.

      If marrying, would I have to file a separate court order for middle name change after? Or should could it be done during marriage process?

      1. You could go to court to change your middle name, then get married to change your last name. But, you'll have to make sure your ID is updated to reflect your new middle name before applying for a marriage license.

      2. Or you could go to court to change your middle name and last name, thereby skipping the eventual name change through marriage. This can be done before or after marriage.

      Would I have to have legal adoption first

      That's not necessary.

  66. I actually have a couple of questions.. I was married about a year and a half ago. Initially, I did not plan to change my name but now I want to. I want to add my maiden name to my middle name and use my husband's name for surname but I also want to keep the middle name given to me at birth. Is a double middle name like this permissible in Virginia?

    Also, since I didn't plan to take my husband's name, I didn't put any thing other than my maiden name on the marriage license, does this matter? From your other pages that I've read it sounds like no, My SSA – 5 application is sufficient proof for the new name?

    Finally, I can't discern if I need to provide my driver's license or not? I prefer to mail in this application and a photocopy/printed cell phone picture of my driver's license is not admissible so does that really mean I need to go to a SSA office rather than mailing my application?

    • Is a double middle name like this permissible in Virginia?

      Not through marriage.

      I didn't put any thing other than my maiden name on the marriage license, does this matter?

      Not in Virginia. You're fine.

      I can't discern if I need to provide my driver's license or not?

      If your marriage was in the last two years (it was) and your marriage certificate can identify you in current records (it should) and your new name can be derived (it should, referencing your husband's name), you just need to mail the form and certificate.

  67. Hello,
    I got married in California a few years ago. I took my husband's last name. But I regret dropping my maiden name for sentimental reasons. So I want to drop my current middle name and make my maiden name my new middle name. Would I need to petition in court for this name change? Thank you.

    • Would I need to petition in court for this name change?

      Yes, because you'll need a new name change event documented that supersedes your marriage certificate.

  68. My name is Nicole Seago, and I’ve always gone by my middle name Nicole. I’m getting married next weekend and want to change my last name.

    How difficult would it be to drop my first legal name and replace with Nicole, move my maiden name to my middle name and add my husband’s name as my last name? I live in Texas.

    • How difficult would it be to drop my first legal name and replace with Nicole

      Gotta petition the county court for a first name change.

      move my maiden name to my middle name and add my husband’s name as my last name? I live in Texas.

      These you can do through marriage.

  69. I’m going on a cruise in February (it was a surprise and short notice). When I got married I changed my middle name to my maiden name and my last name to my husbands. My question is I was told I could for go getting a passport and just use my ID, birth certificate and marriage license to get on cruise. To make this even more confusing this is my second marriage so my marriage license has my previous married name. We are going in and out of the same port. Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question.

    • Hi Lindsey. Bring a certified copy of your marriage certificate and ID in your old and new name and you should be fine. If you can sufficiently link up your name transition you can verify your identity if asked.

  70. Hi Ms. Valera. Sure you’ve had many similar questions but hoping to get some advice. I’m an engaged mom to a child of a previous relationship. I have never been married so this would be my first.

    My son’s father is in his life but we were unmarried so kiddo has my maiden name as his last. His dad would not approve changing his last name to my married name nor do I want to give him his dad’s last name.

    I plan to leave my son’s name alone but what will be the easiest, least problematic way to take on my married name while keeping my maiden? If I drop my middle and replace it with my maiden then that won’t technically be my last name anymore would it?

    I’m leaning towards hyphenating but it seems like a forever hassle. And just adding a last name seems to not be considered legit for some purposes and one name would usually be left off.

    What would you advise? We live in Virginia. Thanks in advance, and Happy New Year!

    • what will be the easiest, least problematic way to take on my married name while keeping my maiden?

      1) Replace your middle name with your maiden name. 2) Keep your name unchanged, while using your married name informally/socially.

      If I drop my middle and replace it with my maiden then that won’t technically be my last name anymore would it?


      I’m leaning towards hyphenating but it seems like a forever hassle.

      How so? You could hyphenate with your maiden name first or last.

      What would you advise?

      Until you're certain, maybe don't change. Consider using your married name informally and see how that fits. When you're sure, then make your move. Or you may ultimately decide not to change and let that be the end of it.

  71. Hi i just need your opinion about my case. When i got married here in Virginia I used my name as
    (First Name) (Maiden last name) (Husband last name)

    But when i had a interview with the uscia officer for my green card application she said that my middle name when i was single should stay the same as my middle now that im married. She said thats the legal here in virginia usa. I just dont know why she wants us to change my middle name

  72. Hi there,

    I live in North Carolina and I am getting married in Hawaii. She is taking my last name as her new last name and I am considering taking her current last name in place of my current middle name. Would me changing my middle name be allowed via a marriage certificate or would I need to do a court order change?

    Thank you,

  73. Good Morning!

    I got married in NY in August 2019 and signed my marriage certificate as First Name – Middle Name – Married Last Name.

    I live in Rhode Island and would prefer my First Name – Maiden Name – Married Last Name.

    Is this change easy and acceptable? If a Name change petition is needed, would I file in NY or RI?

    Many thanks!!

    • Is this change easy and acceptable? If a Name change petition is needed, would I file in NY or RI?

      That'll work in Rhode Island. No need to petition.

  74. i was just married in July and while my SS card says first-maiden-new last name, the RMV would not allow this so my ID still lists my previous middle name- they would not allow me to "change" my middle name without lagal name change forms. Now i have two different names and have no clue what steps to take to fix this…. any ideas?

      • I have the same problem in New Jersey. Just moved here and applied for a new DL. I have had my maiden name as my middle name (married in CA 40 years ago). NJ wouldn't allow me to keep my maiden-middle name and replaced it with my birth middle name. This has now thrown everything out of sync with SS, Passport, TSA, and all my life business.

        I was so confused why they did this! Do I have to do a court order to "legally" change my birth-middle name back to my maiden-middle name on my DL? How can my legal name not be legal in NJ? I had my marraige certificate and birth certificate, have used my maiden name as middle name for this long- legally everywhere I've lived but now in NJ, it's not a legal name..what?! Please advise

        • Hi Susan. Yours is a stranger case since your middle name had been established over a long period of time. When you went to get your driver's license, did you bring a certified copy of your marriage certificate, social security card, and California driver's license to show your maiden to middle name transition?

  75. hello
    my name is Socorro rodriguez from san Bernardino ca and I just recently went to change my last name at social security office my husbands last name is cruz and I wanted to keep my last maiden name and use it for my middle name and my husbands as my last her response was no? is that right ?

  76. When I was married over 36 years ago, I used my middle name, my maiden last name and my husband's last name as my name. Every document (except social security) had this name on it, including my passport.

    Now, today, after receiving a medicare card with my first name, middle initial and husband's last name, I decided I should get SS to change my name to what all my other documentation has on it. NOT — was told that I would have to have a court order. Now I'm just hoping that when I see a doctor under Medicare next year that I'm not going to have a problem.

    Would appreciate it if anyone has ever faced this issue. I always went by my middle name growing up and that is why I used it on my documents.

    • Hi Elaine. Assuming you haven't changed your name before, have you tried using a certified copy of your marriage certificate to change it first? Also which state is this name change taking place in?

    • Your medicare name is directly linked to your social security name. Social security uses the legal first name and surname (middle name(s) or initial(s) are optional for social security). To drop your first name you will need a court order, in any state. However, social security may allow you to add your maiden name back in as a second middle name. That would keep you "covered," so to speak, as all four of your names would be displayed.

      Go in person and take your birth certificate, marriage certificate, and ID. You will run into issues when renewing your driver's license, if you haven't already, because technically your first name is still your legal name and so there will be a name mismatch. If you never use your first name and have no attachment to it, opt for the court order to have exactly what you want/go by.

  77. I'm in the Entertainment Business here in TX, wanting to add a second middle name to my middle name, to use as a stage name ( being the two middle names ) what all would that involve? Will I still have to file all the paperwork with drivers lic., Social Security, an etc… or can I keep everything the same on my name, an have a legal document just for a stage name, so when I'm doing legal documents an etc… not effecting my legal name, just a legal document for my stage name when I'm on stage? Can u tell my a guesstimation of cost?Thanks

  78. I live in Washington State.
    I was able to change my middle and last name for my social security card with just my marriage license. Then I used my new SS card to change it on my drivers license. But when I went to apply for a new passport they only changed my last name and told me I needed
    1. court ordered document or
    2. marriage license with my name change on it (Washington state does not do).

    Is there any other way I can change my middle name without a court order?
    I wouldn't have change my middle name if it was going to be this difficult with the passport…

    • Hi Sarah. You're in a difficult spot since you've already changed your name. You can attempt to go for a name correction in person (try a different agent) or change it by mail.

    • Passports are issued in the applicant's legal name, which is usually the name on the driver's license. Your marriage certificate is "proof" of an event that occurred that allows you to change your name. The bride and groom both have their names listed on the document, so the new name is then derived from this. The document doesn't have to specify the bride's chosen new name (many states don't have this feature).

      • Thank you Melissa. That's what I wanted to know.

        My California marriage certificate in 2003 doesn't have a space for new name. There is my current last name (which is my maiden name) as a bride.

        My SS card and Washington DL are Given name, Maiden name as a middle name, Husband's last name. My Naturalization certificate and passport are Given name and Husband's last name.

        This time I would like to add my maiden name as a middle name to my passport. So I want my passport to appear exact the same as my SS card and DL.

        Do I need a court order to add my maiden name (as a middle name) to my current passport? What kind of documents do I need to submit with DS-82 (or DS-11)?

        • Hi Tank. You would need a court order. And the form type depends on the age of your passport. If it was issued less than 15 years ago, use form DS-82. More than 15 years, then use form DS-11.

  79. I just changed my last name after getting married 2 years ago in the US. The problem was I’m using my same middle name (from my maiden name) and my husband’s last name for my green card/US drivers license.

    When I applied for my Philippine passport in the US, they told me I cannot use my middle name and instead use my maiden name’s last name which is my father’s last name as my middle name according to the Philippine law.

    So the problem was that I have 2 different middle names on my passport and green card/US drivers license. Will they still allow me entry in the US when I get back even if they have 2 different middle names on those documents. What can I bring? I just brought my marriage certificate just in case they ask

    • What can I bring? I just brought my marriage certificate just in case they ask

      That's good. Make sure it's a certified copy. Other corroborating ID in both names also wouldn't hurt. Even if expired.

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