NY Middle to Maiden Name Change for the DMV

New York License Plate on Yellow Volkswagon

In 2014, the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) rewarded women with a decision, giving them one of the simplest processes of changing their middle names into their maiden names on their drivers' licenses after getting married.

The Department of Motor Vehicles now requires just a marriage certificate to help with the maiden to middle switch. The process was an expensive and time-consuming headache before this grand shift. This decision is one that's of tremendous help to married couples and women throughout New York.

The pressure to change came from New York's new wave of empowered women, who wanted their identities and communities preserved. These brave individuals were not only fighting for themselves, but their families, friends, coworkers, and colleagues, too.

The New York State Assemblyman David Buchwald (D) played a vital role in pushing this through procedural legislation. He was one person looking out for his constituents' best interests. Benefits which every New Yorker will now enjoy.

The DMV modernized a procedure that was anti-women and would now benefit those getting married. Particularly the increasing number of New York women who want to maintain their maiden names by making it their middle names.

Going to court just to pursue a simple name change was discouraging. Changing your name through marriage should be simple. A rite of passage that every couple should enjoy. Minus the obscene expense. This new clarification makes it so. Ushering in affordability to married people throughout the state.

This change should reinforce the idea that both partners are equal in marriage, while professional women's lives would be simplified henceforth. This is a positive step towards equality worth celebrating.

In years past, the practice grew and culminated in the new change. Coretta Scott King, a civil rights leader and Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential candidate, were pioneers for women to maintain their maiden names as middle names with no negative impact on their marriage, personal, and professional lives.

This change lets them support a very important part of themselves without changing the sanctity of their marriage or disorganizing their professional careers and lives.

This new policy recognized that middle names do indeed change after marriage. Likewise, New York and the DMV needed to make changes that allowed such easy alterations. Just like it's easy for newlyweds to change their last names.

In the past, before the inquiry was pursued, DMV accepted middle name changes only when the interested individuals followed any of two almost unattainable processes. In one pathway, the interested individual needed lots of documents that were virtually hard to get.

It was also possible for people to change their names through the court system's legal process, which was very burdensome, so much that it took a number of months to effect the change and expensive since it attracted a minimum of $100 in fees.

Through the inquiry, the system was updated allowing middle name changes to be done into maiden names just by providing a genuine marriage certificate.

Lots of women have waited for the change for decades. After marriage, they could only make their middle names into maiden names in all areas of life, from credit cards, travel documents, businesses to academics among others, except on their New York driver's license.

Newlyweds had also been affected before the change and after effecting change on all other areas. The only problem was the driver's license. Apart from being burdensome, the process was also very confusing and too much for working parents who needed to be working and not following the matter in the corridors of justice. The new change would now bring honor to most families' legacies while simplifying their professional lives.

Procedure of changing names with the New York DMV

To change your name, including changing your maiden name into your middle name, you must avail yourself in person. You may update your vehicle's certificate of title, vehicle registration, and ID card, driver's license, or REAL ID to match.

Remember, you cannot effect or complete your name change by email, phone, mail or the DMV's website. You only need to visit the local office of the NY DMV closest to you.

As you visit the DMV office, do not forget to carry with you the current documents from NY DMV that will need to have the name changed and bring proof of identity, which can be a United States passport or passport card, New York photo driver license, ID or permit or a photo ID card of the United States military which can be from a retired, reserved or active personnel only.

You should also bring a certified document for name change, such as a court order issued within the United States only, a decree of divorce carrying an official signature from the United States, or simply a certified copy of your marriage certificate issued by a county, city, or state within the country.

You need to bring a completed application for Non Driver ID Card or Driver License, which is form MV-44 or a Title Application/Vehicle Registration of application-form MV-82. Check the fees required to change your name within New York for guidance on whether they require a replacement fee.

Once you've provided the required details, the New York Department of Motor Vehicles will mail you your new driver's license, title, or vehicle registration within 10 days. It's important that before you start the name change process you check all the documents accepted for proof of identity.

Current name change fees on NY DMV documents

Changing the name on your certificate of title and vehicle registration is free, while a non-driver ID card name change is only $5. Changing your name on your driver's license or the permit for learners is only $12.50.

Perhaps the important thing to remember for those newlyweds or married in New York is that the long, almost impossible, procedure that took time and money simply to have someone maintain their maiden name as their middle name on their driver's license is now the easiest it has ever been for decades.

It makes little sense to have every document you own changed except your driver's license and the new NY DMV name change clarification puts men and women on an equal footing.

Our name change kit helps you change your name, either before or after marriage.

Start Your Name Change


  1. I think I am more confused about the middle name more so now than I was before reading all the posts. I am getting married in August of this year and want to have my maiden name replace my current middle name.

    So when filing out the application it looks like the first line (a) is Full Name (first – middle – current surname), is that where I would write in my middle as my maiden name so it would look like Jane Doe Doe; and the next line (b) is Birth Name if Different, would I write my original middle name in there?

    Then the next line (d) is Surname After Marriage which I assume would be my husband's last name (which I want to take). I am assuming the application I found on my town's website is the most recent form.

    Thanks for the help.

    • So when filing out the application it looks like the first line (a) is Full Name (first – middle – current surname), is that where I would write in my middle as my maiden name

      No, put your current first, middle, and last name.

      next line (b) is Birth Name if Different, would I write my original middle name in there?

      Correct. Your new middle name can be derived from this line when you fill out paperwork for your new credentials.

      the next line (d) is Surname After Marriage which I assume would be my husband's last name

      Correct again.

  2. Hi! I’ve read through all the questions so you’d think I’d understand but I am still a little unclear. I recently got married but did not update surname to my husband’s on the marriage license application. Now that we are married (about two months), I’ve made the decision to change my last name to his and drop my middle name for my current surname. Do I need to go to court to do this or will the new marriage certificate suffice to begin the process? We were married in and reside in NYC.

  3. My drivers license only shows my middle initial and not my full middle name probably because there is not room for all of it on my ID. Can I write it on the back of my license as verification of my middle name or how can I have my license show my middle name and not just an initial.

    • Can I write it on the back of my license as verification of my middle name

      That wouldn't help and might create suspicion. You could use an additional form of ID for such purposes, such as a passport.

      how can I have my license show my middle name and not just an initial.

      You can return to the DMV and ask that your full middle name be reinstated. Don't assume that they will not or cannot approve your request. They may have the ability to perform overrides and even force a second line to accommodate your use case.

  4. Hey thank you for the helpful information.

    I'm getting married soon in NYC and was wondering if it's possible to completely drop my middle name and not replace with anything else?


  5. I am a widow and want to remarry. I am a NYS resident. I filled out my marriage certificate to keep my middle name as is but I’m keeping my current last name and adding my new husband’s WITHOUT using a hyphen (example: Susan Elaine Smith Jones. Will NYS DMV allow me to have both of these last names. I don’t want to have to drop my middle name. I simply want to add my new husbands last name to mine.

    • I don’t want to have to drop my middle name. I simply want to add my new husbands last name to mine.

      Yes, that'll work.

  6. Hi,

    I am utterly confused. I married in NYC in 2013 I did not have a middle name; the clerk at the marriage license office would not allow me to make my maiden name, my middle name. On my marriage certificate I am First Name, Husband Last Name.

    When I went to the social security office the clerk allowed me to make my maiden name my middle name. I went to the DMV and they did the same. Fast forward to 2015 I was graduating and my school would not use my full name on my diploma which was First, Maiden, and Last Name because they said my middle (aka maiden name) name was not on my birth certificate.

    So basically on all my documents I am First, Maiden, and Last but, legally I am just First and Last name. I am worried this will cause me trouble in the future. From what I understand is I got lucky and was able to do it on a fluke at the SSA and DMV but, it’s not legal in NYC to change your maiden to your middle. Can you offer clarity on my situation?

    • my school would not use my full name on my diploma which was First, Maiden, and Last Name because they said my middle (aka maiden name) name was not on my birth certificate.

      Something seems missing here. When people change their names through marriage or court petition, it's not going to match their birth certificate.

      Perhaps your school needed supporting documentation to accept your name change, such as your marriage certificate, social security card, and driver's license. There's nothing stopping you from approaching them again to seek a corrected diploma.

      legally I am just First and Last name

      Legally, you're first, maiden, last.

      it’s not legal in NYC to change your maiden to your middle.

      Replacing your middle name with your maiden name is lawful in NY.

  7. I started using my maiden name as my middle initial in 1992 when I got married. My social security card, current NYS drivers license, bank records etc all use my maiden name middle initial.

    Went to the DMV yesterday to get an enhanced drivers license and was told they had to use my middle name as it appeared on my birth certificate. Not sure what to do because then my drivers license would not match with any of my other records.

  8. Hi Valera,

    Thanks in advance. Are the New York Courts (https://nycourts.gov/CourtHelp/NameChange/marriageDivorce.shtml) and New York City Clerk's (https://www.cityclerk.nyc.gov/content/marriage-bureau/name-change) name-change websites incorrect in stating that people cannot change their middle name through marriage?

    If the websites are incorrect, do you know whether the errors are due to the websites simply being out of date, or is there some deeper reason for the inconsistencies?

  9. Hello!

    I plan on taking my husband’s last name and adding my maiden name as my second middle name, thus having two middle names. I believe that the addition of a second middle name is to be done through the court but that the new last name change can be done before then. Could you please give me the steps in order to complete this correctly. Thank you!

    • I believe that the addition of a second middle name is to be done through the court


      but that the new last name change can be done before then

      Yes, you can change your last name before going to court.

      Could you please give me the steps in order to complete this correctly.

      Option 1: Change your last name first using your marriage certificate. Update your ID afterward, then do the court name change for your middle name.

      Option 2: Skip the marriage name change, then change both your middle and last name through court. Skip the back-to-back name change. Kill two birds with one stone.

  10. Hi Valera, Happy New Year!

    Thank you in advance for your help.
    I'm from NY, not married, and would like to get the new Real ID or Enhanced id. My SS as well as my foreign passport and resident card have my full name; however, I go by my middle and last name, so the rest of my docs (work/bank/utility bills) only show middle and last name. 1. Wll I have any issues at the DMV proving my id because the name doesn't match 100% in all my docs? 2. Could I get the new ID at the DMV with my middle and last name only?

    SS/passport: Sophie Gabrielle Thomas Falv
    Other docs: Gabrielle Thomas
    Target name at DMV: Gabrielle Thomas


    • Hi Gabrielle. That wouldn't work. You'll have to include your first name. And Happy New Year to you as well.

  11. Hi, i'm looking to replace my middle name with my maiden name. We got married in New Jersey, but live in New York City. The New Jersey marriage application/license/certificate did not ask for new name inputs, so it only has my existing first/middle/maiden name.

    Will I be able to change my name to [first/maiden/spouse's last name] via the marriage name change process? Or, will I have to go through the legal name change process given our marriage certificate is from New Jersey with my birth name?

  12. Two questions for New York State:

    1. If I do not list a "new surname" on my marriage license application, do I need to get a court order if I want to change it to my husband's surname later on, or can I just go to the SS office with my marriage certificate and start the process then?

    2. If I do list a "new surname" on my marriage license application, how soon do I need to change all my documents (SS, DL, passport, etc.)?


  13. Hi Val,

    I don't have a middle name and would like to make my maiden name my middle name, and take my husband's last name. Do I have to do it in this order: SS, Passport office, DMV? Or can I just bring my passport, marriage certificate, and other supporting docs to the DMV and make this change?

    I ask, because I think SS offices are currently closed. So I thinking if i could make the change on my driver's license first, then I could update my SS card and passport later.

    Thanks for your help!

  14. I am having to renew driver’s license on line. My birth certificate reads middle name as Ruth, my SS is Elizabeth P. Calnon (for maiden name) as is my voter registration and my present New York State driver’s license uses the P. As It is my signature.What do I put in that box for middle name? I do not want two “signatures” in use.

  15. Hi,

    I am looking to get married in NYS but I would like to make my maiden name my middle name and take my husband's name. However, on the marriage license it does not allow me to format it that way. How do I go about this? Thanks.

    • Hi Tess. It doesn't need to be visible on the marriage license or certificate. You'll still be able to change it.

  16. Hello,

    Now that Real ID is enacted, just wanted to confirm the steps regarding the license vs SSA vs DMV.

    Example only:
    Current Name: Alison Mary Smith
    New Surname: Lee
    Target Name: Alison Smith Lee

    1. Marriage License: Input FirstName as Alison, MiddleName as Smith, CurrentSurname as Smith, NewSurname as Lee so that the married name will be Alison Smith Lee
    2. Update SSA with Alison Smith Lee – so replace Mary with Smith
    3. Update Passport with Alison Smith Lee
    4. Update DMV with SS card, Passport, to update name from Alison Mary Smith to Alison Smith Lee

    Is this correct? (sorry, if my other message posted, this is the correct version)

    Thank you!!

  17. Hi, I changed my name to my married surname with SS and DMV but never used that name. I need to change the address on my DMV back to my maiden name and update the address, is that possible?

  18. Hi All,

    I just got my marriage license today. The clerk at the city office told me that she could not change may middle name to my maiden name. I followed some of the advice here: when I filled out the online application form, I filled in my First name, Last name, and the optional middle name as my Last name. New surname is my fiance's last name. This cannot be done. The name on my marriage certificate will still be my First name+Middle name+Husband's Surname. My maiden name will be lost.

    The clerk said I can take my marriage certificate to the DMV to change my middle name to my maiden name; however, that does not legally change my name.

    The information here is a bit confusing.

    What exactly should I do from this point to change my middle name to my maiden name on ALL my documents?


    • What exactly should I do from this point to change my middle name to my maiden name on ALL my documents?

      Change the name on your social security card first. You can do that with your marriage certificate as-is. If you go to the DMV and they request an identity document that shows your maiden name as your middle name, you can show them your social security card along with your marriage certificate.

  19. Hello-on my marriage license, I just put my First name, Existing Middle Name, and then My husband's last name for my last name.
    So it went from for example, Sue Elizabeth Jones to Sue Elizabeth Brown.

    However, now I want to update my middle name to Elizabeth Jones, so it would be Sue [Elizabeth Jones] Brown. What is the process to do this?

    • Hi Sue. You'd use your marriage certificate. You may need to show multiple points of ID to update your driver's license. Your updated social security card with your new middle name would be one. If necessary, an updated passport would be another. Both documents could be updated before your driver's license.

  20. I want to have my name be: First, Middle, Surname (second middle name), Married Name. I'm from NY state, how do I do this?

  21. Hi – I'm getting married in NYC and would like to do the following:

    Current: First Middle Hyphenated-Last
    New: Firs Hyphenated Husband

    Current: Nancy June Smith-Black
    New: Nancy Smith Doe

    Is this possible following the instructions you've provided above? Adding husbands surname and then going to SS and making the first part of my hyphenated last name my middle name?


    • Hi VK. That wouldn't work. You couldn't use half of your current hyphenated name for your middle name. It would have to be the whole thing.

  22. Hi,

    Thank you for this very helpful information! I was recently married in NY and the town clerk where I got married told me that I could not make any changes to my middle name on the marriage license (last name change only). I would like to change my middle name to my maiden name now. What are the best steps? SS first, then DMV, etc.?

    Thank you!!!!

      • Hi Nicole. Are you talking about dropping middle name for your maiden name on your passport? If so, that shouldn't be a problem. If you're referring to something else, please clarify.

    • What are the best steps? SS first, then DMV, etc.?

      Right. SS first, then driver's license. If you're going in person for both, it's worth spacing them out by 24 hours just in case SSA isn't yet reporting updated info.

  23. I have 2 questions 1. Is the only way to keep your middle name and add your maiden name to the middle to go through court in NY? My daughter is getting married 10-19-19 (after the Oct rule change you mention) flying to their honeymoon a week later should they buy her tickets in her maiden name so she can do the SS & DMV changes when they get back?

    • Is the only way to keep your middle name and add your maiden name to the middle to go through court in NY?

      Yes, through the courts.

      My daughter is getting married 10-19-19 (after the Oct rule change you mention)

      The New York Real ID rule change you're referring to doesn't go into effect until October 2020, after your daughter's marriage.

      should they buy her tickets in her maiden name so she can do the SS & DMV changes when they get back?

      Using her maiden name on her passport is still a sensible thing to do.

  24. Hi!
    Filling out our marriage license paper work today. There is only a spot for 'full name' (first, middle, current surname) and 'surname after marriage'. How do I fill out this form correctly to indicate dropping my middle name and taking my surname as my middle name?

    • Hi Erin. It's not indicated on the marriage license application, but it's still supported when you go to the SSA and DMV.

  25. I am married and changed my name on my SS card to first name middle name and hyphened last name maiden and my husbands name can I also change my drivers license to the same name

    • Hi Amanda. The separation isn't clear to me. Let's just go through both possibilities:

      first | middle-maiden | husband

      This cannot be done.

      first | middle | maiden-husband

      This can be done.

  26. Hi, I would like to add my maiden name to my middle name, instead of replacing it entirely. i.e. [First name] [Middle name Maiden name] [New surname] Is that allowed and what's the process for that? Do I then need to wait to get my new social security card before applying for a new driver's license at the DMV? Thanks!

      • Is there a reason I would be unable to add my maiden name to my existing middle name?

        I got married last year in NYC and have been considering the same name change:
        Jane Ann Doe TO
        Jane Ann Doe Smith
        Can this be done?

        On my marriage license there was only information required for surname change so I never specified what my new middle name would be.

        • Is there a reason I would be unable to add my maiden name to my existing middle name?

          It's just not a supported option within the law.

          Can this be done?

          You'd have to go to court.

          On my marriage license there was only information required for surname change so I never specified what my new middle name would be.

          That's normal in New York. The marriage license application only references a surname change, but you are still able to drop your middle name and replace it with your maiden name.

  27. I am marrying my fiance in NYC, who entered the U.S. on a K1 (fiance) visa, and she would like to change her middle name to her maiden name. In NYC, the marriage license only provides for changing her surname. What are the steps I would need to take in order to change her middle name to her maiden name? We intend to file for her SSN using her passport first and secondly, to get married. Thank you.

    • In NYC, the marriage license only provides for changing her surname.

      That's normal.

      What are the steps I would need to take in order to change her middle name to her maiden name?

      Just use the marriage certificate as usual.

  28. Hi! I applied for a marriage license today in NY and the clerk said I could not put my maiden name as my middle name. There was no line for “new name” there were only lines for “full name” “birth name (if different)” and “surname after marriage.” So I just put my full name and my partners last name under “surname after marriage.”

    Will I still be able to follow this process of making my maiden name my middle name (SSA office first, then passport, the dmv)? Thank you for your help!

    Note: I do not currently have a middle name, just first and last.

    • Will I still be able to follow this process of making my maiden name my middle name

      Yes, you'll still be able to change it.

      • Hi Valera, thank you for your response. One other question. Is this change a change in the law? Or just with the DMV. Because I called the vital records office in New York State, and they’re still saying if I want my maiden name to be my middle name, I would have to go through a legal name change. I’m sorry if I’m being redundant, there’s just so much confusion out there.

        One more question, would I still be able to make this change even though my marriage license/certificate gives no indication of this change?

        Thanks in advance

        • Is this change a change in the law? Or just with the DMV.

          It was a rules change.

          Because I called the vital records office in New York State

          You're updating your driver's license, not a vital record. If you were to update a vital record, such as a birth certificate, then you'd have to get a legal name change through the courts.

    • Hi Ellen,

      Curious if this worked for you and what order you followed. I'm in the same situation. Was told by clerk in New York that I could not make the change on my marriage certificate so just went with [First] [Husband Last] – I do not have a middle name. I became so discouraged with the court process and it's been 3 years since we married – but we are having a baby soon and I really want to make the change.

      Thank you!

  29. Hi,
    If I didn't specify that I would be changing my maiden name to middle name on my marriage license/certificate, will I not be allowed to change my middle name using the process?

    • will I not be allowed to change my middle name using the process?

      Probably, if the question was asked on the form.

  30. I do not hyphenate my name any longer and for many years. My original license had my married name on it. A recently issued Enhanced license has my hyphenated maiden name. All supporting documentation presented to the DMV at the time of filing for the Enhanced license had my married name only.

    Why does my new license have my hyphenated maiden name ? If I visit the DMV to have this changed, should a fee be imposed since it is clearly a mistake ?

  31. I live in New York, but am getting married in Florida. I would like to drop my current middle name and assume my maiden name as my middle name and take my fiancée's surname as my own.

    I was under the impression I would have to petition the courts to do a legal name change for my middle name.

    My take away from these articles is that I change my name, middle and last, with social security then the state will essentially automatically accept the name change-but I'm not feeling confident that I can just walk into the SS office with my marriage certificate and essentially, randomly, change part of the rest of my name…am I reading this information correctly?

    • but I'm not feeling confident that I can just walk into the SS office with my marriage certificate and essentially, randomly, change part of the rest of my name

      You'll be fine with the SSA. In the past, folks had trouble changing their middle names on their New York driver's license, but that's no longer the case.

  32. I use the middle initial of my maiden name as my middle name for 50 years of marriage. That is how I am known on all my legal papers, including my recently renewed passport and current driver's license. On a recent visit to the DMV to renew my license, I was told I had to use my full maiden name, not an initial. WHY? And must I change it? And if I have to, how would that affect my passport, airline tickets, all other important papers?

    • On a recent visit to the DMV to renew my license, I was told I had to use my full maiden name, not an initial. WHY? And must I change it?

      There are three types of ID in New York: enhanced, Real ID, and standard. Enhanced and Real ID requires your full legal name.

      And if I have to, how would that affect my passport, airline tickets, all other important papers?

      Starting October 1, 2020, the enhanced or Real ID will be used for domestic flights. Whatever identity document you use, you'll want the name to match with your airline ticket.

  33. Hi, I already changed my name through social security and they didn't care about my middle name so i was able to change it there. How does it work with the passport? I'm afraid of paying a ton of money only to have them reject it for a name change. My marriage certificate only lists my name First and Last, no middle name.

    • Hi Dharmy. 1) You won't be charged for a failed name change. 2) You can include additional credentials showing your middle name (e.g., government-issued ID, certified copy of birth certificate).

  34. Hello,

    I am filling out the NY state Marriage application form online. I will put my husband's last name as new surname and i would like to change my middle name to my maiden name, do i put my maiden name in the "Middle Name (Optional)" section. I will put my husband's last name as new surname.

    Please let me know.


  35. I married in 1970. My birth certificate and marriage license show my first, middle and maiden name. I took my husband's last name. I started using the first initial of my maiden name as my middle initial on all documents – drivers license, bank accounts, pension and social security accounts, etc. Recently I attempted to get an enhanced driver's license in New York State and was told I need to show that my middle name was legally changed to my maiden, which it was not. Where do I get the necessary forms to make this change legally? Do I need an attorney to do this?

    • Where do I get the necessary forms to make this change legally?

      You need to get a court-ordered name change. The eventual court order will serve as the required document. You can review the dedicated NY name change article for what to expect when you file your court petition.

  36. I married two years ago and on my marriage license I have both my maiden name and husbands last name as my new last name. I have yet to change any legal documents but will be doing so shortly. I realized that I want to just use my husbands name as my last name. Will I have to go through a whole name change process or just ask SS to use only my husbands surname as my new last name?

    • Hi Jen. This could very well depend on how malleable a clerk you deal with at the SS office and DMV. Also, getting through one doesn't necessarily guarantee you'll be able to get through the other, as one's federal and the other's state.

      You can look into the availability of a remarriage license. If that's not an option, you'll have to contact the SS office and DMV to determine if they'll allow a name change that slices off a portion of the surname.

      There's a high likelihood you'll have to go to court, but you can make these inquiries before going that route.

  37. Hi,

    Thanks so much for your articles and responses – they have been really helpful to read. This is such a frustrating and seemingly unnecessary process that I'm sure wouldn't be an issue if it was mainly married men going through it (sigh).

    I am about to file for my marriage license in New York (can be either city or state at this stage). I want to both embrace my new family identity without losing my professional associations and reputation with my maiden name. (It seems ridiculous that in 2018 I should have to fight for this?! sigh, again.)

    I am aiming to have my name as [First Name] [Middle Name] [Maiden Name] [Married Name].

    Ideally, I'd like to have [maiden name] [Married Name] as my new last name separated by a space, but it appears in New York I can only have it hyphenated (which would be super long and complicated with my names).

    My second preference is to add my maiden name to my existing middle name, without dropping my original middle name.

    The NY marriage license application has an (optional) middle name box in the current name section, but only a "new surname" option (ie. no "new" middle name option).

    I have read that people wanting a similar outcome have had success with putting on the marriage licence [first name] [middle name] [married name], then adding the maiden name to the existing middle name on the SSC update form. Is this correct? Or are you suggesting that the maiden name should be put as the current middle name on the marriage license application in place of the existing middle name?

    Are my only options in New York to replace my middle name with my maiden name or hyphenate?

    Thanks so much for any further advice you might have.

    • I want to both embrace my new family identity without losing my professional associations and reputation with my maiden name.

      Perhaps a DBA in your maiden name would work for you.

      Ideally, I'd like to have [maiden name] [Married Name] as my new last name separated by a space, but it appears in New York I can only have it hyphenated (which would be super long and complicated with my names).

      Hyphen or combined surnames without a space.

      I have read that people wanting a similar outcome have had success with putting on the marriage licence [first name] [middle name] [married name], then adding the maiden name to the existing middle name on the SSC update form. Is this correct?

      I've not heard of appending another name to the middle.

      Or are you suggesting that the maiden name should be put as the current middle name on the marriage license application in place of the existing middle name?

      If it doesn't specify new middle name, you'd default to the current middle name.

      Are my only options in New York to replace my middle name with my maiden name or hyphenate?

      For your middle name, you can:

      1. keep it untouched
      2. replace it with your maiden name

      For your last name, you can:

      1. change nothing
      2. change to a former last name
      3. take your spouse's current or former last name
      4. hyphenate
      5. combine both full surnames (current or former)
      6. combine a portion of both surnames (current or former)

  38. Hi, I’m recently divorced but as a result of a 35 year marriage it made sense to keep my married name, though all of my legal documents contain my maiden and married name, my ny drivers license does not. Is it possible under these circumstances to make the change which will include me maiden name?

    • Hi Elizabeth. Are you saying you want to including both your maiden and married name on your driver's license or just your maiden name?

  39. Hi – My late father and I had different last names, I want to add his last name as my middle name and take on my husband's last name. Would that be complicated?

    • Hi Meena. For such a name change, you're looking at having to file a court petition. So, yes, it's more involved than a typical marriage name change using just a marriage certificate.

  40. Can I change my maiden name to my middle name even if I have been married for 30 years? I have no middle name and have been using my maiden name informally for years, however it does not appear on any legal documents and I would love to change that. Would I have to go to court first? And what about my passport?

  41. I did not know to indicate the change to my middle name on the marriage license but had no issue with changing my maiden name to my middle with social security. I took my new card to the DMV and was told that they could not change my middle name because it was not listed on the marriage license. Additionally, because I had used my middle initial previously in DMV records, they could not remove it and issue my driver's license as first and last name, only. The only option offered was to leave my birth middle initial and change to my married surname. I left without doing anything since it's already been changed with social security, but unsure of how to move forward.

    • This is what happened to me but the lady at DMV didn't tell me what was happening with the middle initial change until the transaction was almost complete so I went ahead with it. Now I'm wondering what confusion may someday result because my SS card and Medicare card and everything else has my maiden name initial, not my middle name initial. If they ever require ID to vote, my license will not match the name I am registered to vote under…..I was married in 1972 so for her to tell me I had been using an illegal name all these years was a little shocking!

  42. Hi,

    I updated my SS with my maiden as my middle name (I previously did not have one) and they accepted it. Then I went to the DMV and they did not allow me to do so, so my ID only has first and new last name. To avoid going back to the DMV and getting rejected again, do I have to go back to SSA to drop my middle (maiden) name? if not, what should I do to the rest of my name change application, match SS or match driver's license? (with or without middle name)


    • Hi Karen. Can you get clarification if they denied your request because you had no preexisting middle name? Can they document this rule? The SSA wouldn't change your name back without another name change event justifying it, such as a court order or divorce decree.

      When it comes to SSA vs driver's license, the SSA takes precedence.

  43. Hi,
    I am living and marrying in NY.
    I have not yet received my marriage license. When I apply for it will there be space to write my maiden in as a middle name? (I do not have a middle name so I would just be adding it).

    I suppose I would go to the DMV after the wedding to change it. Right?


    • Hi Rosemarie. It may or may not have a space where you can specify a name. When you're ready to change your name you'd typically go to the SSA before the DMV.

  44. Hello,

    Where does this leave you with Social Security? I was married last October in CT but I am an NYS born resident. I would like to DROP my current middle name and replace it with my maiden name. My marriage liscence/certificate did NOT have a space for a "new name" choice, just your current legal name.

    Should I change my name with the DMV and then take it to SS for a new SS card?

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!

  45. Hi! Great article.

    What happens with your existing middle name? Do you have to have two middle names- being original middle + maiden, or can you completely replace your old middle name with just your maiden name?

    For example does Jane Jessica Doe marrying John Smith have to be Jane Jessica Doe Smith, or can she get rid of/replace her old middle name completely to become Jane Doe Smith?

    Any help would be appreciated.Thanks in advance!

  46. Hi, will I be able to change my middle name if I hyphenated my name on the marriage certificate? Or will I have to go through the channels of a legal name change?

    • Hi Esty. You can do both, but specify your name change intent on the marriage license application.

  47. Hi,

    How would you fill out your marriage license to reflect your maiden name as your middle name?
    Would it be First middle husband last name or first maiden name husband last name?

    Thank you

    • Hi Jaine. Put first, maiden, husband last on the part of the application where it asks you to choose your new name.

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